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The UN Here to Save the World

QUESTION: What about the deficit spending without limit? You do not attribute that as contributing to the collapse in confidence of government? Do you think that the UN has known this all along and has been looking for the timing to rush in and save the day? PG ANSWER: The issue of deficits is well […]

Is Blackrock In Trouble?

BlackRock peaked on target in 2021 during November and has been dropping rather significantly. At this stage, a month-end closing below 810 warns of a further sharp decline. But a March closing below 815 will warn that BlackRock may fall sharply to test the 600 level going into 2023. New lows during 2022 after March, […]

Biden Administration Preparing Illegal Aliens to Rig 2022 Election

  We have a major crisis brewing which appears to be why our computer has projected a Panic Cycle in 2022 and 2024 in politics, which it has not done since the Great Depression. This is a major effort by the left to take over the country, and undermine the Constitution if not scrap it […]

Emerging Markets & Political Crisis Ahead

China has asked the Fed to please not raise rates. This has confused many to wonder when China would be asking the Fed not to raise rates. The real reason is the crisis we have in emerging markets and the Sovereign Debt Crisis. Emerging Markets are one of the main victims of tightening US monetary […]

Putin Could Take All of Europe in the Blink of an Eye – Its Time to be AWAKE – not WOKE

The most conservative assessments have been that Putin could be in Paris in less than 30 days. Europe has been more concerned about steering money from defense to Marxist socialism. The net result is that Europe is not really prepared for a conventional war with Russia. On top of that, this COVID nonsense which has […]

Has Fauci Lied Under Oath? Was COVID Created Because of Him?

  Project Veritas has come up with documents that show that DARPA rejected the proposed experiments into creating a coronavirus from bats that was proposed by Eco Health Alliance which was in bed with the NIH and Fauci.     Fauci is appearing in World Economic Forum videos with everyone who is in league with […]

Kazakhstan – NATO & The ECM into 2032

There is a confrontation in the wind. Sergei Ryabkov, Russia’s deputy foreign minister and special negotiator in the US-Russia talks in Geneva, bluntly states that NATO can no longer “push” Russia to a minor role in European and international politics. NATO must return to the borders of 1997. Russia is blaming the US for the […]

Greenland Bans Oil and Gas Exploration

In July 2021, Greenland ceased issuing licenses for oil and gas exploration. Now, Greenland has announced that the ban will be permanent. The government cited climate change as their main concern, and Greenpeace cheered their decision. The announcement would leave one to believe that Greenland actually had a good amount of oil reserves. Major oil […]

Manchin Votes No on Build Back Better

Sen. Joe Manchin has announced that he won’t support President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better package. The West Virginia Democrat, who has tried negotiating with the White House on the massive social spending bill, has said that he is a no vote on the legislation. “I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. I just […]

Why Austrian School of Economics is Outdated

QUESTION: Marty; would you comment on David Stockman’s insistence that the fundamental consequence of 30 years of Fed-fueled financial asset inflation is that the prices of stocks and bonds have way overshot the mark. Thank you HW ANSWER: David Stockman was the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (1981–1985) under President Ronald Reagan. […]