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The Truth Always Surfaces

COMMENT: It first seemed you were just a Russian supporter. The more I read, the more I became shocked that we have instigated this conflict with Russia and all the conspiracy theories are being proven true. The person who referred me to your site said you had the best sources because everyone wanted to know […]

This is Why the 2024 Election Will Never Be Accepted

The Democrats have not only schemed to try to prevent Trump from being on any ballot, but they have effectively forced RFK out of the Democratic Party. They have even been trying to block any other Democrat from being on any ballot. This is in-your-face anti-Democracy. The Neocons have the Democrats as their puppet, the […]

Senate Blocks Foreign Border Spending Package

The Senate has prevented the US government from sending billions to aid foreign wars in a 49-51 vote. Republicans demanded that protections for the US border be implemented in the latest $111 billion spending package. The nation is spending billions on the illegals entering the country and those requesting a secure border are asking for […]

Dimon: Working Class Should Support Neocons

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon believes Americans should be upset about their economic status, and does not understand why there is not more outrage. The billionaire in charge of the nation’s largest bank believes that electing Donald Trump in 2024 would be the worst financial decision for the working class. Why? Well, Trump has made […]

The Fate of the World – Answering Questions

? BREAKING: ISRAEL DISMISSED INTEL REPORTS OF OCT 7TH AS 'FANTASY' House Foreign Affairs Chair Mike McCaul addressed reporters after a closed-door briefing from national security officials on the Israel-Hamas war “We know that Egypt had warned Israel 3 days prior that an event… — Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) November 24, 2023 COMMENT #1: Marty, […]

The Shift to the Middle is Coming

All the media is so anti-common sense that anyone who dares to take any contrary view is called “FAR RIGHT” as if they are Nazis. Never in all my years have I ever witnessed the mainstream media so FAR LEFT that they are destroying the very foundation of civilization, and they do not care. The […]

IRS Pauses $600+ Transaction Audits

Within the American Rescue Plan was a piece of legislation requiring Americans to report any transactions they made over $600. The most recent budget negotiation eliminated much of the additional funding for the IRS. The Biden Administration wanted to hire 87,000 new IRS agents and claimed they were solely targeting the rich. Not so coincidentally, […]

Let’s Not Dance to Their Tunes – Orban Exposes Globalists Grip on EU

(image from Reuters/Bernadett Szabo) Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary wants the people to know that the European Union is controlled by the globalists. His government has begun a campaign to explain this message, placing billboards depicting European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen with Open Society Foundations heir Alex Soros. “Let’s not dance to […]

The Pentagon Fails Another Audit – Trillions Missing

They say the Pentagon is the government’s favorite money laundering tool for a reason. It is comical that they even attempt to audit the Pentagon when they know the agency will fail miserably. The government spent $187 million to conduct the meaningless audit at 700 locations. This year, as with the year prior, only 7 […]

DeSantis on War with the Bahamas?

DeSantis initially attempted to remain a bit vague on where he stands on America’s participation in foreign wars. He redacted a statement made early on in his campaign about America’s involvement in Ukraine, saying they are, in fact, deserving of US resources. Ron DeSantis did a good job as the governor of Florida by putting […]