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Russia Preparing for War?

The Russian press is now reporting that the Russian Defense Ministry intends to turn the Crimean peninsula into an impregnable fortress. It will be not only a military outpost of Russia in the Black Sea region, but also be able to defend themselves, even when cut off from the mainland. Russia is now deploying a […]

The Relocation of the Financial Capitol of the United States

QUESTION:  Hi Marty, I have a question for you on the movement of the financial capital. Is there a reason it moved to NY (as apposed to VA, MA, or MD) in 1914? Also is it possible to predict what region in china it will move to, or can we just assume it will move to […]

Market Talk – October 12, 2016

Another weak session for the Nikkei despite a brief run at the psychological 17k mark just ahead of lunch. However, it wasn’t to be and the sentiment from a weak US session finally penetrated what euphoria there was and eventually saw the Nikkei close around 1% lower on the day. In mainland China the Peoples […]

Market Talk – October 10th, 2016

Asia started poorly on the back of a weaker oil market until Russia announced it would be willing to cutback its oil production in respect of the OPEC decisions. Oil bounced over 3% on the Asian day reversing the mornings losses. In Japan the Nikkei traded heavy most of the day but recovered off of […]

Central Banks Continue to Sell Dollars to no Avail

The capital flows into the dollar are rather staggering. Central banks continue to try to sell the dollar to keep their currencies afloat. China’s foreign-exchange reserves are most notable in the fight against a rising dollar. China’s foreign-exchange reserves declined again in September, and they try to support the yuan and the Fed clearly cannot stop […]

Does the Fed Fear a Dollar Rally & Bond Crash?

  QUESTION: Numerous people have asked: Does the FED actually also see these trends coming (strong US dollar, bond crash) ? K. ANSWER: Yes. The Fed has sent people to the major banking houses and told them outright that their models are wrong. They have been telling them quietly that there may not be a […]

Market Talk – October 6, 2016

An orderly open for Asia with an oil rally ($50.5 TWI) following on from a positive US session really leading momentum. We did see a wobble just ahead of lunch but that was only short-lived and as trading remains thin due to China’s absence. All in all we closed firmer on both the Nikkei (+0.5%) […]

The Shift in the Financial Capitol of the World

QUESTION: Hi Martin I am a follower of your blog. I have a question on your post “Financial Capital of the World & Its Migration” dated 30th sep 2016. I was looking at the graph where Y-axis indicates the scale of Economic Progress (in terms of % of world GDP) against time on X-axis. The decline […]

Market Talk – October 4, 2016

With China still on national holidays (Golden Week) trading was quiet but maintains the same trend. That being stronger equity markets offsetting the weaker currency. The JPY today hit recent lows (102.50) whilst the Nikkei heads for levels not seen since Q1. The 17k level remains the intraday psychological barrier where traders feel nervous as […]

OPEC & Manipulating Oil Prices

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries’ (OPEC) agreement to cut production is supposed to end Saudi Arabia’s policy of the last to years to pump-at-will. This has sent Middle Eastern economies into a tail-spin and the glut of oil has meant rising taxes and selling bonds to raise capital. With this new claimed reversal of that […]