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Scotland Wants a Second Referendum to Exit UK

The Scottish government wants a second referendum on independence from the UK. The Parliament in Edinburgh will decide as soon as next week, as the Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon said. The referendum could take place between autumn 2018 and spring 2019. Of course, this would really be a brain-dead action if Scotland believes it should remain […]

Protests from USA to Russia

Civil Unrest is rising around the world. In the USA, demonstrations have been organized to support Donald Trump in a counter-demonstration move against the Obama/Soros uprising. In Los Angeles, Trump supporters were confronted by opponents of Trump and the two groups ended in violence. The Obama/Soros supporters were partially traditionally masked. The Trump supporters were trying […]

It’s Confirmed – Trump was Spied On During Transition

  This is a press conference in its entirety from the committee investigating everything. Yes, there was no “wiretap” of Trump Tower. As I reported previously, that is old-school. So while the New York Times and the Washington Post are desperate to cover everything up and focus only on that single word to claim Trump […]

The Fed Raises Interest Rates & Markets Rally!

The stock market, gold, silver, and oil all rallied when the Federal Reserve delivered the widely expected increase in its benchmark interest rate on Wednesday, the Ides of March. It said that the domestic economy remained on a path of slow and steady growth. In a statement the Fed said that the United States economy […]

Degeneration of Politics

QUESTION: Martin, I assume when you say “When Obama was elected, the right simply accepted it and moved on”  you are referring to the people and not Congress? PG ANSWER: Yes. In Congress, they always try to oppose the other side. That is pretty standard. We did not see street protests. This time it is […]

Real Estate & the Financial Crisis

QUESTION: Hello Armstrong, Thank for you the great post “The Future – Putting it All Together”. It helps a lot to get a good overview, considering everything is connected. One question, you say “Real estate is nice for some part of a cash holding, but it is taxed to hold it and it is not liquid.” […]

The Meltdown in Politics

The political world is melting down. The press is so bought and paid for and lost all sense of impartial reporting just the news. All I can say is this is the beginning of the end. Rejoice – you have a front row seat to witness the decline and fall of the West. It’s only […]

2017 World Economic Conference

Join us at the 2017 World Economic Conferences in Hong Kong and Orlando!

Market Talk – February 13, 2017

Another strong opening session for the week in Asia with equity markets improving from where they left-off on Friday. The news over the weekend that North Korea had tested weapons failed to scare markets as much as it did the media. Japan’s GDP was a touch under expectation but the Nikkei was pulled along with […]

2017 World Economic Conferences

2017 World Economic Conferences Armstrong Economics invites you to join us at the 2017 World Economic Conferences! The 2017 World Economic Conference will be held both Hong Kong and Orlando, Florida. The Hong Kong event will take place May 20-21, 2017 following the French elections. Our important target this year is April/May so we are holding […]