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Did the Fed Really Say they Could Buy Stocks?

The Fed told Congress it would buy stocks if Congress allowed it. This statement has caused a lot of people to scratch their heads. Will this cause all the stock bears to rethink their prognostications of a major stock market crash? This was not even on the radar of most people. Some have reported this […]

What Happened to the End of the World & Dollar Today?

  COMMENT: Well Marty, I guess you are right and the lunatic fringe who said the world would end today and the dollar would crash all because the IMF would include the yuan of China in the SDR failed. These people always bad mouth you, but they are never right. Looks like the Dow is […]

Financial Capitol of the World & Its Migration

QUESTION: I am a great admirer of your Socrates model, but there’s one thing in your personal pronouncements that seem to contain a contradiction. On the one hand you are predicting a decline of the U.S.A. and other western economies, mainly caused by excessive government interference in the economy. However, on the other hand you […]

Congress Commits Treason Against the People

The arrogance of Congress & NSA knows no bounds. A U.S. congressional intelligence committee issued a critical report accusing Edward Snowden of treason, claiming, without knowledge or proof, that his leak of information “caused tremendous damage” to U.S. national security. They rejected him as a “whistleblower” and totally ignore the civil rights of the American people as if […]

Market Talk – September 19, 2016

As China opened after a long weekend, so it was that Japan was closed for national holiday (Respect for the Aged Day). There was also a computer issue in Australia that resulted in the ASX closing early. Ahead of both the FED and BOJ this week could be interesting. China added more liquidity over the weekend which set the […]

Merkel Suffers Historical Defeat in Berlin – The Year from Political Hell is in Motion

The Stage is being set for the most dramatic political change in our lifetime; or for the young in age rather than just hart, post World War II. Angela Merkel’s party came in with absolutely historic losses in elections in Berlin. Some are claiming, such as the Mayor, this will return Nazis in Germany as the far-right […]

Market Talk – September 16, 2016

The strong US session ran into Asia resulting in strong performances for both the Nikkei and Hang Seng. Both closing around 0.75% higher the main pull was from financials but this is just a rebalancing from the losses they suffered earlier in the week. China remains on national holidays and so we wait until Monday […]

Market Talk – September 12, 2016

Asia started off where we left the US on Friday with the selling pressure still dominant. The Nikkei cash opened down over 1% lower and did not look likely to break that decline at any time during the trading session. Eventually closing 1.7% lower the JPY saw the safety rush but interestingly not as dramatic […]

Bankers Laid off 100,000 so far

The numbers are in. Banking as indeed seen its peak. Banks in Europe and the US have dismissed 100,000 people last year, the bulk after 2015.75 . The decline is just starting. We are even witnessing the decline in bank employment now in China as well. The high flying jobs in banking have seen their best […]

Will the Dollar Crash at the End of September?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem often to be the guy with the level head when everyone else is losing it. Now we have this doomsday day prediction of the end of the dollar come September 27th to 30th, depending on the guru selling newsletters. They are focused on the IMF simply recalculating the SDR to […]