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Gold – Reality Check

The chaos in gold is typical. Already, the hate mail has begun. “Stop the Bullshit” one said because demand in Shanghai is at record highs.It takes far more than one country to make a bull market. Others just blame me for the decline because they just listen to those who always say buy. The New […]

The Dow

The Dow Jones Industrials have only reached 14102. They have not yet exceeded the 2007 high. Nonetheless, the market is paused for significantly higher highs and for now we are still in a staging position. Today should have been a Directional Change and the Dow backed off. Still, we face a lot of volatility building […]

Gold – Never Really Made New Highs Yet

The high on gold on the AM London Fixing was $850 back in 1980. However, when we index this to the government CPI adjusting it for inflation, the 1980 high corresponds to a price of $2,305.18 in 2011 dollars. This is a far more important number than all the nonsense of fiat and hyperinflation. Gold […]

How All Markets Move – Gold is NO Exception

Well, the hate mail has started regarding gold and as usual, I get all the arrows. Sorry, but gold is still a market. It rises and falls according to supply and demand and right now the market is overbought. When I was given a institutional conference in Tokyo, an individual bribed his way in. He […]

Gold – The view

  The computer is short 4 positions. The major support lies at 15795 on a weekly closing basis. Only if that gives way will we break through the bottom of this channel. Gold remain vulnerable since 2012 was 13 years up on a closing basis. Given the pervasive amount of bullishness convinced that the dollar […]

Gold & Silver – An Authoritative Special Report

Much of the stories on the web about silver and gold tend to reflect the official prices rather than the free market prices. There is ALWAYS a free market even during periods of fixed exchange rates. During Bretton Woods, there was currency trading in Hong Kong where the yen fell to nearly 500 to the […]

Constitution of the United States

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.   Article. I. […]

Capital Flows as Reported by Central Banks Can Be Distorted.

The numbers for Japan in December would imply on the surface that capital inflows took place rather than outflows yet the yen declined. There are serious problems with the way  governments track capital/trade flows. They do not actually monitor anything but cash movement. This is a throw back to the fixed exchange era when if […]

Strange Events

Just after the Pope announced his resignation, Saint Peters at the Vatican was struck by lightening a few minutes past 6PM. This is now being herald as proof that the last Pope will arrive according to St Malachy’s forecasts. I remember when there was the assassination attempt on the last Pope. The markets went dead […]

Heinrich Schliemann

Heinrich Schliemann (1822 – 1890) was a German businessman and the real man who pioneered of field archaeology. He believed in the historical accuracy of Homer’s Iliad and Virgil’s Aeneid and that they told stories that reflected actual historical events. Of course, all the academics pronounced Homer’s writing was a story for children. Schliemann was […]