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Propaganda – Who do you Trust

The father of propaganda is Edward Louis Bernays (November 22, 1891 – March 9, 1995). The government tries to imprison and kill anyone who leaks information about what they do from illegal war murders, illegal seizing of all our phone calls and emails, or to the latest leak about US cyber-attacks. It is not even just […]

Forget the Fiat – It’s CONFIDENCE

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, In a recent post you write, “HYPERINFLATION takes place not because of any threshold in the quantity of money that has been crossed. It is a matter of confidence.”  Is there any historical precedence for a people losing confidence in a currency, where it is being restricted, i.e., not printed in […]

The Business Cycle

Defining the Business Cycle By Martin Armstrong There are those that adamantly deny the existence of a Business Cycle for one simple reason; if a regular Business Cycle exists, then man and his government, driven by special interests, are incapable of manipulating its outcome. The entire foundation of Marxism was the recognition of the Business […]

Michael Hastings Coincidence or Conspiracy?

  Michael Hastings was one of the few Investigative Journalists still around. Most just do as they are told and live under the thumb of their editors. With Hasting’s death, it appears way too suspicious given the stories he was working on coincidences like this just do not happen. He send an email hours before […]

If someone has nothing to hide – Why Care?

Question: You seem to like to bash he government quite a bit but, really you have never said how you would protect national security.   Really,  I could care less if the government spied on me while they where looking for the bad guys because I have nothing to hide.. So my question is whats the […]

Hammurabi Legal Code

  The Code of  Hammurabi 1795-1750 BC Claude Hermann Walter Johns: BABYLONIAN LAW–The Code of Hammurabi. from the Eleventh Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910-1911 The material for the study of Babylonian law is singularly extensive without being exhaustive. The so-called “contracts,” including a great variety of deeds, conveyances, bonds, receipts, accounts and, most important of […]

Glossary of Princeton Terminology

Terms Used In Armstrong Economics Forecasting Reports TURNING POINT A target that can be either a high or a low. It is a cyclical target that amounts to a turning point irrespective of the event (high/low). VOLATILITY Volatility can be measured in many ways. We have volatility that can be from the previous close to […]

New World Order

One of the craziest conspiracy theories around is that the FED was specifically created to fund WWI and all subsequent wars. Then it is claimed that FED is owned by 100 families whose agenda is deliberately creating a New World Order. This idea that you can have some New World Order with everyone on the same page is just […]

Keynes, John Maynard

John Maynard Keynes 1883-1946 John Maynard Keynes was a British economist who revolutionized economic thought, which is widely known as “Keynesianism.” The son of a Cambridge don, Keynes was educated at Eton and Cambridge, where his degree was in mathematics. John Maynard Keynes was educated at King’s College, Cambridge, from 1902–1906 and DID NOT have a […]

Gold the Real Conspiracy

Behind the dramatic fall in the gold price has been the subject of countless conspiracy theories that all pretty much center on the notion that the entire global economy revolves around gold. The only tangible conspiracy by governments is to hunt down as much cash as they can. The real secret strategy of central banks […]