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Gold – Dow – & the Numbers

QUESTION: Marty; You gave the resistance in the Dow at 20,158 and it stopped at 20,155. Gold you gave a buy signal at the close of 2016. You give us specific numbers to reach for a bounce or a collapse. Gold is rallying now on claims that the latest run up is attributed to the uncertainty […]

Le Pen in First Place So Far

With the election coming up in France, Le Pen is praising Donald Trump for putting his people first. “The European Union has failed,” she declared. She vows to return control of France also back to the people. Le Pen promises to exit the EU, saying it has utterly failed, and place a strict limitation upon immigration […]

Market Talk – February 6, 2017

After a successful Non-Farms number on Friday, Asia followed suit encouraged along by the US markets closing near their days highs. All core Asian indices followed but with the exception of the ASX (Australian exchange) which closed small lower as the currency made ground. The Nikkei made ground closing +0.35% higher but could have been […]

European House of Cards – When Does it Come Crashing Down?

The EU leadership is attempting to minimize the importance and the explosive result of BREXIT. While the leaders merely yell “You will still regret it”,  the disintegration of the EU has already begun and they are clueless as to what is really at stake. While many just focus of trade, the entanglement is far more complex than […]

Market Talk – January 26, 2017

With the DOW having broken the psychological 20k level in early US trading and all the hype and coverage surrounding that, there really was only ever one direction planned for today. In the absence of any other significant market related news, Core Asia responded accordingly that saw both the Nikkei and the Hang Seng close […]

Market Talk – January 24, 2017

The safe-haven bid into the yen continues as we trade under 113 early in the US session. As concerns surround the US’s withdrawal out of TTP many worry where this new era is leading the markets. Initially, we have seen some cash return to the bond markets but as the day has worn-on and US […]

From Behind the Wall – Mexico

US-Mexico Border in Arizona COMMENT: Greetings from the other side of the Wall (i.e. Mexico) Mr Armstrong! First, I would like to thank you for what you do, as a young person committed with helping the world thrive I cannot tell you how empowering it was to discover your work and get to know your story, […]

Gold Bullion v Coins

QUESTION: Marty; Do you still see 2017 as the end in the decline in gold or 2018? Also, I think I now understand that coins are better than bullion for confiscation purposes. Right? ANSWER: We are starting to run out of time. We elected a minor Monthly Bullish of 1142 at the end of December, so […]

Money Changers Refusing to Accept Australia $100 Bills

Because Australia has convened a commission to terminate the $100 bill, in the wake of the currency being cancelled overnight in India, there is a growing distrust of high denomination euros and Australian bills. What is interesting is A$100 notes are nonnegotiable now in India. The same is happening in Europe with the €500 bills. There […]

India is the Guinea Pig for Electronic Money

QUESTION: Dear Marty, What could be the true intentions of Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi in India cancelling the currency overnight. I have been suspecting some foul in his demonetisation move but cannot correctly understand why he did it? Counterfeit currency, Black money, prevent terrorism all his publicised motives have been shown false. If this move […]