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Angela Merkel is being Called a Traitor for the Refugee Crisis

The EU has abandoned Italy while simultaneously demanding that the refugees must be taken care of. Nearly 100,000 refugees have arrived in Italy since the start of this year alone. The Italian government cannot cope with the refugee crisis and Brussels said they cannot exempt them from the restraint of busgets. That means that money for Italians […]

Steven Bannon Fired – Thank God

Steve Bannon has been fired  from the Trump team, and many are saying good riddance. It was Bannon who has been the  architect  of the most confrontational approach with Congress and has really been clashing behind the curtain. Bannon said in the interview that the main front was China: “We are in a trade war with China” […]

Market Talk- August 18th, 2017

We didn’t really need an excuse for why equity markets were lower in Asia today, but we certainly found it in US markets irrespective of political uncertainties – if we were looking! Ahead of the weekend and a move into US Dollars the Nikkei lost 1.2% but interestingly the JPY only just moved back to […]

Market Talk- August 17, 2017

FED minutes were the talking point early on and the split decision the market hadn’t really expected. A little more uncertainty thrown into the mix which creates hesitation and a reason to take a little cash off of the table. Throw in the Trump disbanding both the Manufacturing Council and Policy Forum and questions start […]

CNN Calls Anyone Who Disagrees With Them a Fascist

Jennifer Lawrence, who came out in 2015 and said that if Trump became President it would be the “end of the world” has finally come out and said our  politically polarized country needs to come together because “we can’t continue this divide and anger.” “There needs to be a bridge,” she told in an interview with Vogue […]

Market Talk- August 16, 2017

The biggest conversational topic today was the recent USD bounce, as well as the oil price decline. Japans Nikkei held-in as the nervousness returned, but it was the JPY trading back close to 111 that had people talking. Given the US Retail Sales number was so above expectation the market now assumes the FED are […]

The Revolution Cycle can be just 13 to 26 Weeks

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What you are saying is there is no diplomacy that would work and that the only real player here is regime change and that is in the hands of the North Korean people. So what is your advice to Trump? KE ANSWER: Forget the trying to talk reason or my arsenal is bigger than […]

Understanding Kim Jung-Un

QUESTION: Marty; Your model picked this weekend and then then September 11/12th. Are these two targets a window so this is when it starts and the second is where it ends? Your computer blows everything out of the water. It is becoming very obvious why they wanted the code. I watched the Forecaster. Marcus Vetter […]

Is Kim Jung-un Blinking?

Kim Jung-un in North Korea is refusing to blink yet he maybe. He has turned domestically first in the ongoing crisis and has now announced a massive army recruitment program. An article in a Pyongyang-based propaganda newspaper today declared already more than 3.5 million people had signed up to fight. The newspaper is claiming that millions were […]

Kim Jung Un – : “Cry ‘Havoc!’, and let slip the dogs of war”.

In Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, Mark Antony says in Act 3, Scene 1, line 273: “Cry ‘Havoc!’, and let slip the dogs of war”. What is truly astonishing is how the Democrats and CNN hate Trump so much they are praising Kim Jung-un and made him the hero while praising him as actually saying he is more […]