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The Risk of Low Interest Rates

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved October 13th, 2012 The Risk of Low Interest Rates Analysis is dominated by simply opinion and therein lies the problem. Economics has become nothing like a science. In physics, one observes and then determines the “LAWS” as to how the universe functions. In the field of Economics and Finance, […]

Phase Transition

The most serious problem we face has been the Marxist-Keynesian presumption that government is even capable top manipulating the economy. Paul Volcker in his 1979 piece Rediscovery of the Business Cycle, address this nonsense stating that effectively the collapse in the Gold Standard that was followed by the 1974-1976 Recession defied this notion about “New […]

Protests in Greece Show The Strain in Europe

Merkel is being really demonized in Athens for the German fear of hyperinflation imposing deflation as the solution. Politicians must wake up before they tear Western Society apart. There is no way out with austerity. You cannot cut everything to pay the debt. Social unrest will tear everything apart and 2014 is not looking very […]

Iran & The Fate of the Middle East

 The Iranian Rial The Iranian Rial has come under tremendous pressure. Internally, the currency is depreciating in purchasing power at an astonishing rate. Internationally (illustrated here), the Rial has fallen generally to the 123.50 level from the 79 to the dollar level back in 2003. Internally, the Rial has just suffered one of the most […]

Asia – The Coming New Financial Capital of the World

Asia – The Coming New Financial Capital of the World   One of the most significant advantages of gathering historical information on the rise and fall of nations throughout history, has been the discovery of the true nature of the world economy and its interactions with mankind. Nothing lasts forever. There are four seasons to […]

The Rise of Asia

  Within less than one year, the United States in its Draconian move threatening to confiscate the assets of any foreign entity that FAILS to report what Americans are doing overseas has so devastated international business it is an understatement to overlook this legislation for it is having the same effect as  the Protectionism of […]


Gold is still in a position to press higher. Next week remains a target for rising volatility and the week after a turning point. The numbers are the numbers. We need a weekly closing ABOVE 17997 to signal a retest of the old high. But gold is not yet ready for the breakout. That appears […]


The Federal Reserve has actually done something at last worthy of note. They indicated that they will provide more stimulus for the faltering economy, taking aim now at driving down mortgage rates. The Fed said it will buy $40 billion of mortgages per month in an attempt to desperately foster a recovery in the real estate […]

2012 Agricultural Outlook

The outlook for Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, Oats. Are we facing a 7 Year Drought. What are the Cycles on Weather.  

Gold The Recent Rally

The computer called for a high at this time a year ago. There is nothing new. The same old news of QE3 will be inflationary is just nonsense. We have massive deflation still going on. The key to watch is interest rates. Do a simple correlation and you will see that inflation requires rising interest […]