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Malaysian Election Demonstrates the Wave of Political Change of Trump, BREXIT, Italy, Spain, etc is still in motion

COMMENT #1: You were right. You said there would be a political change here in Malaysia in 2018 at your Bangkok conference. How do you do this? I am coming to Singapore. COMMENT#2: Wind of change has swept through Malaysia on May 9th as incumbent Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition 61-year rule since 1957 Independence was ended […]

Daniel’s Interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

QUESTION: You have previously said that the Persian monetary system was based on gold, the Greeks used silver and the Romans began with bronze. That actually described the Biblical story of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue interpreted by Daniel. Do you think your research into the world Monetary System confirms that interpretation? WK ANSWER: I […]

What Really Causes Inflation & Deflation?

QUESTION: why national debts eventually default Martin to answer this question you said: we need to introduce currency. France and Germany were less impacted by converting to the Euro than Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Why? Currency Inflation! My question is if it is not the quantity of money that is making $1 million buy […]

BIG BANG is Here and Ticking

QUESTION:  Dear Marty, due to 5,000-year lows in interest rates, in 2011 the US was able to triple the debt but keep the payments the same as in 1998. With interest rates rising (but still historically low) in 2017 the US paid the highest interest payment on the debt in history. Could you please elaborate […]

Market Talk- May 8th, 2018

Although we await US President Trump’s Iran Nuclear address later this afternoon, Asian markets still closed better bid across the boards. Most of this was associated to the regional currency declines, but we did see some markets that performed. In Hong Kong the Hang Seng opened over 1% higher and continued to make progress for […]

Has the Dollar Turned?

QUESTION: You models called for a rally in the pound sterling into April and it seems like that is spot on. We did bounce off of the 144 level.  In your year-end report, you said the resistance in the pound for 2018 was at the 14500-14600 level throughout 2018. Living here in Britain, I really […]

Can US Russian Sanctions Start A Financial Crisis?

The US sanctions against Russia are pointless and are placing the West at risk the politicians are too stupid to even comprehend. Already, some Russian companies have asked the government for liquidity injections of up to $2 billion. Even the world’s second-largest aluminum producer Rusal has asked for help. Nevertheless, the impact of sanctions goes […]

Has War Become Obsolete?

  Of course, nobody comes close to the United States on military spending. Nonetheless, India has now surpassed France bumping it from the list of the big five military spenders. Many believe this is the policy because of the rise of China. But it is also because of Pakistan. War has changed, but countries are […]

Influence – Meetings & Conspiracies As Always

COMMENT: I saw you in front of the Bank of England. Then within a matter of days, the pound crashes. You may not be a household name but you are in the circles that matter. So did you orchestrate the reverse trend in the pound? OD REPLY: No! The pound crashed simply because it was on […]

Argentina Raises Interest Rates to Support Currency

  Argentina has just raised interest rates to 40% trying to support the currency. I have explained many times that interest rates follow a BELL-CURVE and by no means are they linear. This is one of the huge problems behind attempts by central banks to manipulate the economy by impacting demand-side economics. Raising interest rates […]