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Fighting the Business Cycle – Longest War in History

The one war that never ends is how people constantly try to fight the trend. The ECB will buy bad government debt they created instead of doing what was necessary from the start – consolidate all state debt. That would have enabled the Euro to be a viable currency creating a reserve base that does […]

Gold – The Week of January 19th – Here We Are

Of course the Gold Promoters are touting jump on. They always do that. This was the target week the computer highlighted back in early December. Today is the Directional Change and the Daily Bullish Reversal stands at 1298. The weekly stands at 1324. Every time gold rallies, they come rushing out screaming BUY BUY BUY. […]

Sniffing Out Pegs

Beware the pegs. Now that traders have been wakened from a deep sleep buried beneath tons of political propaganda furthered by the press, they are sniffing around to see who is next. Hm! Look at Denamrk’s peg to the Euroland.

Brokerage Houses – Deep Pockets Are Mandatory

QUESTION: Dear Marty! Hats off on the call about the Franc. It’s amazing what Socrates and the work of all you at Princeton Economics is doing, to all of you my deep respect. And I thank God that knowledge is in good hands! Now here’s the thing, as I read about the crash of the […]

Looking At Things Globally – Moving Beyond Human Intelligence

  Here is gold in British pounds. You will notice that there is no real nice V bottom. Gold in pounds is still crawling along support. This implies two possibilities. First, new lows for gold lie ahead and two, the British pound will also rise against Euroland. Europe appears to be the real disaster that […]

The Petro Dollar is Dead – Long Live the Dollar

QUESTION: Martin, I have a friend who is concerned about the impact of Russia’s breaking with the petro dollar.  I explained to him your point that trade is a small piece of the world economy and that the dollar (which is really the U.S. debt market) is still the only market large enough to absorb […]

Right or Wrong – The Dark Side of Human Nature

I greatly appreciate the confidence saying I am newer wrong. But on an individual level, NOBODY can possibly be right all the time. This is why I try to emphasize that the numbers are the numbers and that all we can do is watch how everything unfolds. I have no personal vision of the future […]

The Dollar Pegs are Next

  The next crisis will be the currency pegs against the dollar. Here we have pegs from Hong Kong to the Middle East. We will have the same problem for as the dollar is driven higher, thanks to the implosion in the Euroland, these nations will import DEFLATION from a rising dollar. This will break […]

Dollar v Swiss – 2011 Low Still Holds

  The dramatic move in the Swiss franc may have confirmed two other interrelationships. Against the dollar, we wrote at year-end “The Swiss is currently trading at 9934 and a mere year-end closing above 9785 will signal that indeed the 2011 low for the dollar will hold and that a test of the 11800 followed by […]

The German Delusion

  The desperate attempt to keep the Euro together is really setting the stage for sending Germany into a Great Economic Depression. Merkel now wants to raise the tax rate to pay for all her bailouts of Europe. She cannot comprehend that raising taxes to support the Euro is reducing disposable income and reducing the […]