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Market Talk – August 29, 2016

We knew what to expect from the Nikkei cash this morning after we heard remarks late Friday and Saturday from all at Jackson Hole. On Saturday it was BOJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda who said he would approve further monetary stimulus without hesitation! Having seen the Nikkei futures up 1% and the JPY weaken by 1% this […]

Market Talk – August 26th, 2016

Ahead of Jackson Hole a mixed response in Asia with a choppy day for the Nikkei. Initially, the Nikkei saw a sell-off then an attempted rally just after lunch but that was to fizzle-out eventually closing down 1.1%. The JPY remained in a tight range and continues to play with the par level. There remains a […]

Canadians Officially Pay More on Taxes Than Food

It’s official. Canadians now spend more on taxes than they do on food, housing, and clothing. Well, politicians have to eat first. Their kids have to be educated to rule their generation. The Fraser Institute has calculated that the average Canadian family now pays $34,154 in taxes in total, which includes all the “hidden” business taxes […]

Market Talk – August 23, 2016

With little help provided by the US Asia had yet another quiet summer trading session. The Nikkei opened lower but recouped losses ahead of the lunchtime break, only to edge lower again during afternoon trading. News remains light even after a slightly better mfg PMI data only managed a short-term bounce and by end of […]

The Coming Storm – Stock Pile Food & Water for 30 days

  The German government is now advising its people to stockpile food for 10 days. This advice should be heeded throughout Europe and even in the United States. Here are the storage tips from the Red Cross. This is now time to begin to do this. Those who have the basement space, may also want […]

Gold What is a High Really Worth?

QUESTION: Hi martin I see all kind of speculation about what will be the price of gold in the coming years. I wonder if it makes any sense such debate as long as socrates is foreseing a monetary reform maybe in 2018. What will be the real value of the currency after that? Any thoughts on […]

Market Talk August 17th, 2016

There appeared little reason the JPY to strengthen as much as it did yesterday during any of the sessions but that said, we did see 99.75 at one stage yesterday. No-one knew why and so in Asia back it traded to 101 again. In late US trading we have seen another attack at the par […]

Department of Labor Regulating Your 401K April 16th, 2017

The financial services industry is undergoing its greatest upheaval perhaps in more than 35 years because the government came up with a brilliant new idea to pretend there is a crisis that they need to step in to save you. I have warned that there has been talk about taking over 401K funds which are […]

Market Talk – August 11, 2016

Yet another rather uneventful session made even worse by the fact that Japan had a national holiday. Early trading in the Shanghai tended to follow the weak US sentiment but despite flipping in both directions, eventually closed down but above the psychological 3k level. Hang Seng performed well and it could be said took a […]

Market Talk – August 10th, 2016

  A weaker opening for the Nikkei was off-set by better than expect economic data (Machine Orders) by lunchtime. The majority of the afternoon trading was in the positive but eventually closed small down. Many are concerned that the JPY may attempt a summer break of the 100 level which has the tendency to weigh […]