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Inside Every Liberal is a Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

The winner of a essay contest, N. A. Halkides, wrote a piece which is actually very on point. I have written before saying essentially the same position that those on the right seek liberty and justice for all because their greatest dream is to be free and left alone to pursue this gift of life. […]

Market Talk- Aug 11th, 2017

China really felt the hesitant mood today with the main Shanghai index down 1.6% and the Hang Seng fall over 2%. President Trump really was doubling down on the speech play late US/early Asian time zone and the markets reflected the mood. South Korean KOPSI dropped 1.7% in todays trading and also the SENSEX gave […]

The Monetary Crisis Cycle Comes in Two Flavours

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I attended the Paris conference of the BIS when you were the keynote speaker. You delivered a forecast that was probably too far ahead for its time. You said the euro would go through and it would first drop but then peak with deflation in 2008 after the markets crash from 2007. […]

Trade War with Russia Disguised as Sanctions?

The US sanctions voted on by Congress against Russia are outrageous and an act of war that history will write as this may have been the line in the sand crossed by the USA to punish Russia for Hillary’s loss. Clearly, the new sanctions have important implications for Europe because they target any company that contributes […]

North Korea – Beware August 2017

  I have warned in the Cycle of War reports that for whatever reason, August is always the number one period where war tends to begin. Indeed, the world is holding its breath as fears rise with the crisis over North Korea potentially escalating in to global war after Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un made threats […]

The New Russian Conspiracy – Moving the North Pole to Freeze Europe

Believe it or not, the latest conspiracy brewing is that the Russians not only defeated Hillary, they have figured out how to shift the planet and weather and have manipulated the planet so that the North Pole is headed to London to freeze Europe. Clever those Russians figured a way to force Europeans to buy […]

Market Talk – August 8th, 2017

We did not see a clear direction for core Asian indices today as we played between the positive and negative for most of the day. A typical August Tuesday with slow trade, low volume and no direction but we did have economic data to digest. Chinese released Export numbers for July increased by 7.2% whilst […]

California Voter Fraud – 11 Counties Posted Votes in Excess of their Population

Judicial Watch has filed a letter of intent that reflects a very serious problem in California voting. Eleven California counties posted more votes for Hillary than exists in registered voting population. We are looking at massive voter fraud in California that could seriously rock the nation when we consider that if we eliminate California, Trump won […]

The Risk of North Korea

QUESTION: Dear Mister Armstrong, I have been pondering the thought of Mr. Tump actually welcoming a war with South Korea since Kim Jong Eng launched the first missile via the genesis of the Trump administration. If a war materialized would it not have a actual possibility of stinging China’s economy to a certain degree after all […]

North Korea Prepares for World War III

The risk of war with a true madman at the head of North Korea continues to escalate. But is he really mad, or trying to strengthen his position for negotiations in the months ahead? North Korea fired its second intercontinental ballistic missile last week in an attempt to demonstrate its long-range capabilities proving it can now reach […]