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Will we Collapse by August 2013?

Former Clients familiar with the Economic Confidence Model have asked is this a rapidly advancing cycle as was the cast in 1989? The Answer to that question appears to be YES! There, we had the 1987 Crash on the half cycle followed by the collapse of Japan in 1989, and then the rise and fall […]


Silver is rallying into the next turning point ahead. The Monthly Bullish stand at 3412 and 3575. Moving up into this time frame is a warning that we could fail at the reversals, and the turn down. This appears to be a cycle inversion. That means the turning point does not change, it just produces […]

Is the End Near?

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved August 16th, 2012 The Mayan Discovery of Time WELL there has been a flood of questions about the statement regarding the Maya in my recent post: “Sadly the Maya 2012 target will not put us out of our misery. We will survive the hype.” The book I am finishing […]

The Economic Implosion of the West – On Schedule?

Things are turning so negative so rapidly, this is really starting to appear like the fall of Rome. The UK is tripling all fines related to taxes according to the FT. Europe & Australia and imposing a carbon tax and this of course is necessary for the environment as long as it ADDS revenues. Whatever […]

Maximinus I -235-238 AD

Maximinus I 235-238 AD Maximinus I (235-238AD) is said to have been the first soldier who rose through the ranks to become Emperor. He was also from Thrace in Greece and is said to have been a shepherd before joining the army. With Hindsight, many considered that he was really a barbarian whose parents merely […]

Understanding the ECM

The key to comprehending the Global Economy lies in the realization that we are not alone. Everything is connected in an intricate dynamic nonlinear network where the slightest change in one region can set in motion a ripple effect of dramatic proportions around the world. Understanding this dynamic nonlinear global network is the first step […]

Banks Manipulating Gold – People v Banks – & Dow

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved August 5th, 2012 Banks Manipulating Gold – People v Banks – & Dow We have to understand that the bankers DO have fake analysts to put out bullshit. I believe they love to churn the fiat currency thing to divert the blame from them and to make the solution […]

We are on the Verge of a Very Profound Systemic Global Meltdown

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved August 4th, 2012 We are on the Verge of a Very Profound Systemic Global Meltdown Why We Need Gold in Times like This I have never been one to yell fire in a crowded movie. But this is getting absolutely ridiculous.  The global economy is in such a tailspin and […]

1985 World Economic Conference

The 1985 World Economic Conference   We have recovered a set of the 1985 World Economic Conference materials. This was a major institutional event held in Princeton, New Jersey. The materials included all major markets as well as major economic statistics covering North America, South America, Middle East, Asia, and Europe. The importance of these […]

Banking Manipulations – A Systemic Problem

Banks have been manipulating markets, interest rates, and governments for a very long time. The present scandal involving manipulating LIBOR interest rates in Europe that began in Britain is surfacing like a soap opera evolving slowly on the political stage of life illustrating the potential to split the financial world in two like no other […]