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Stock Market View – the Shift Begins from Public to Private

  Notice that the DAX has held up the best even against the Dow. Why? Capital continues to move within Europe to Germany assuming the Euro will crack and they will get Deutsche marks once again. Even the French CAC-40 illustrates that capital is starting to flee from PUBLIC to PRIVATE assets. Even Greek shares […]

Centralized v Localized Government

  The problem with the Euro has been the secret design to federalize Europe. It is one thing to create a central government for the major issues of international cooperation and defense and another when you try to create centralized control over everything. The demise of the USA is also in the cards because of […]

The Coming Mortgage Panic Set-Off By Swiss

During the 1980s, Australians were hit hard as banks had sold them mortgages in Swiss francs to save them on interest rates. The next shoe to fall is the Swiss Franc Mortgage Panic that will be part of 2015.75. Countless homeowners outside of Switzerland have been sold mortgages in Swiss francs. They will now see […]

Gold – The January Pop – On Schedule?

  Back in December, we warned that gold would produce a pop and that the main resistance was in the 1250-1275 level. We now need a closing ABOVE 1250.50 tomorrow to confirm a further advance is possible. This is part of the interconnections. This forecast for a pop in gold into January was not “opinion” […]

We All Need Each Other – Impossibility of Manipulating the Invisible Hand

To those asking questions regarding our services, we hope to have the first access up by the end of the month. Others who have asked will the little guy be allowed to participate in the IPO? We will most likely have a pre-IPO for clients before it goes to the public. We are more interested […]

Core v Peripheral & Currency Illusion

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Thanks for continuing your daily blogs. One by one the light goes on for your readers. Your currency illusion blog today really hit home when I compare a similar situation in my own case. In 1999 I bought a ski chalet in Canada for $X US dollars when the Canadian dollar was […]

Hong Kong – A Bird of a Different Feather?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I have been reading your writings a few years already and am so inspired by your analysis and ECM model. I understand you mentioned many times about the deflationary cycle that is coming and actually happening in Europe and reflected in oil prices. From many data, the inflation rate in US and […]

Politically Correct Analysis – The Lack of Freedom to Analyze

COMMENT: Marty; I was at your World Economic Conference in Berlin as was the central bank of ———. When it came to Greece, you stated back then that the projections coming from the computer would only be correct if Greece exited the euro zone. You have made statements nobody in the professional industry are even […]

The Fool’s Game

COMMENT: Marty, I believe I understand what you are saying about belief. There is no right or wrong, it is just the market. I can see you are correct. Markets move on anticipation as the euro is collapsing ahead of the anticipated Greek elections. Trying to argue with the markets being wrong is a fool’s […]

The Bond Bubble – Confirmed

The BUBBLE for 2015,75 should be the bond market – not stocks. The capital flows should move into the typical flight to quality mode and drive rates even lower. This will set the stage for BIG BANG. To accomplish that, we should see the stock markets tread water, but not necessarily drive off the cliff. […]