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American Civil Unrest Keying to Election

I heard from behind the curtain that a coup is developing inside the intelligence and law enforcement divisions to stop the Clinton Machine. I cannot vouch for the video going around as to its veracity. What I can say is that my own sources, who are separate and not involved in this video, have been warning […]

The Media is Ensuring the Destruction of Western Society

COMMENT:  In the recent presidential debate, Clinton boasted of her 30 years of PUBLIC service. Trump spoke of the Clintons having a personal fortune of $250M. If this fortune was made during her and her husbands PUBLIC service, in what way did they really serve the public. I just don’t get it …. I don’t understand why this […]

The Cycle of Civil Unrest & Martial Law

All agencies are quietly being armed just in case there may be civil unrest which arises by rigging the election to defeat Donald Trump. Even Ben Carson has come out and explained why Trump beat everyone in the Republican field: “the people themselves have just gotten disgusted with being manipulated and controlled”. There is no question that […]

Republican Party Self-Destructing to Maintain the Corruption of the Elite

The Republican Party is in self-destruct mode. Even the most recent polls show that 76% of Republicans think the party is hopelessly divided. This is clearly the result of the career politicians who prefer Hillary and the status-quo to any outsider coming in to upset the apple cart. This is a very serious development, for […]

Is Trump Really the Answer?

Well, of course not. NOBODY is willing to run for office that you would say is truly qualified. The other crazy aspect is that people really think electing a president could change something. Hillary is the corrupt politician gone wild. Not that she is the only one by far. She is just the poster-child for everything […]

Pound Sterling Collapses

COMMENT: Marty; Your forecast at the last WEC that the pound would break the 1985 low seemed extreme. I have to say as I watch it this morning, your computer picks every trend around the world with remarkable precision. You are providing a unbelievable learning lesson teaching us how the world really works. I understand why […]

Gold – Dollar – Bonds

QUESTION: Hi, I have two questions: a) do you believe US dollar has been kept artificially lower than it should be (or at least in long range trading range) by at least two central banks lately? if so how long you think it would last, years? b) you remind many times gold does not yield so […]

Trump or Hillary – To Be or Not To Be

QUESTION: Would you endorse Trump personally? ANSWER: No. Not for anything he has done or said. I do not believe in politics in general and I certainly question whether or not a single person can change the trend anyhow. We are in a decline and fall position. Hillary is simply the queen of corruption. She […]

EU Collapse on Schedule

Merkel admitted that the European Union is in a “critical situation” as the EU leaders met in Slovakia. I greatly appreciate all the emails asking why I do not go to Europe to push our solution to save the continent. But what you have to understand is we will ONLY get a call when there is blood on […]

A$ – Wheat & Wool – the Outlook

On the yearly level in Wheat CBT Futures, the last important low was established during 2010 at 4254, which was down 2 years from the high made back during 2008 at 13494. However, the highest closing was during 2007 at 8850. Right now, the market is trading below last year’s low of 4606. Overall, the […]