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Only 37% Believe the Democrats Stand for Something – The Disintegration of Politics

The Democrats are realizing that recent polls show that only 37% of people believe that the Democratic Party stands for something while the rest think they just oppose Trump. The Washington Post carried the comments of Chuck Schumer who effectively blasted Hillary for blaming everyone from Comey to Russians and sending the country ever closer […]

Market Talk- July 25, 2017

Another mixed session for Asia but we did see a healthy bounce in the ASX as the currency behaved itself. We did see better levels during the trading session for the Nikkei but could not be held for the close. Those loses have been reversed in US trading as futures follow the healthy US market […]

The Rising Youth & Civil Unrest

Here is a picture taken from a reader in Hamburg. The degree of violence rising in Europe and in the United States post-Trump election, have been organizing the youth. I have warned that revolution always comes from the youth so this is not something we should push aside lightly. It was wisely summed up that […]

Civil War 68-69 AD Gaius Julius Vindex, descended from the kings of Aquitania and the son of a Roman senator, was governor of Gallia Lugdunenis at the time he raised the standards of revolt against Nero in March 68AD as a reaction to Nero’s tax policy. Having no Roman troops under his command, Vindex appealed […]

How High Can the Euro Go on this Reaction – 116 or 125-128?

This upcoming seminar in Frankfurt Germany will deal with both the short-term and long-term. This has been the Year from Political Hell, and it will not end until after the German elections. With the ECB finally throwing in the towel admitting (but certainly not publicly) that nearly 10 years of low to negative interest rates […]

Market Talk- July 12th, 2017

It was only the Hang Seng that saw a positive close today (+0.6%) as most digest the Trump email release and await central bank comments. As part of the safety return the JPY gained almost 1% and was last seen playing around the 113 figure. The Nikkei close lower (-0.5%) as we watched a broad […]

There is Now Enough Evidence to Indict Comey or Snowden Should be Pardoned

Comey is as guilty as Hillary for treating government work product including top secret information as personal. Comey, just like Hillary, claimed the memos were all “personal” that he made talking to Trump because he did not trust him (contrary to his trust for Clintons). There is no such “personal” qualification and he leaked those […]

Market Talk- July 11th, 2017

Another encouraging session for Asia as the confidence continues, at least until we see something to the contrary later in the week. Many are referencing the bond markets as they watch yields creep higher and the curve start to steepen as an indication that things have finally turned. China’s Shanghai settled small lower but the […]

Market Talk- July 10th, 2017

We start the week with mixed session from Asia as Chinese reserve data showed small increase and the general trend of acceptance for Chinese 5% growth. The Japanese yen continued its decline breaching 114 and even in late US trading had was last seen around the 114.25 level. The Nikkei edged better but a small […]

Merkel’s Failed G20 Summit

Merkel chaired the G20 summit and she completely and utterly failed to lead G20 to a successful conclusion. Well of course, Merkel lost control of the streets of Hamburg, which looked more like a civil war challenging her authority. However, Merkel thought she could score a major diplomatic triumph by getting everyone together to gang-up […]