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The Republican Convention in Review

Those in the establishment are truly beside themselves. People like Jon Stewart are bashing Trump supporters saying, “You Don’t Own America,” which means only one thing — shut up and let the rest of us control government as we always have. The Trump supporters are the main backbone of America who have been ignored, lied to, and abused in […]

Market Talk — July 21, 2016

Talk that the BOJ was preparing even more stimulus to be announced at next weeks central bank meeting certainly helped the Nikkei and also sentiment for most core Asian exchanges. After yesterdays 13% fall in Nintendo shares today was reasonably quiet closing just 0.8% higher on the day. The Shanghai and Hang Seng indices were […]

More than Just Buy or Sell – The World Beyond

Visiting the Jail Cell Where Socrates Died COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Just spent the night in the ER with one of my kids. Waited hours for the results of the CT head scan. Thankfully, my daughter is fine. Had lots of time to think though. I have been following your blog for years, although I am […]

Market Talk — July 19, 2016

Some say the Nikkei is close to ending its bull run after seeing some impressive gains recently. However, after the long weekend we have seen yet another 1%+ gain, but that has yet to halt dealers still trying to call the top. A better performance than its peers as Shanghai and Hang Seng returned loses […]

Market Talk – Close of July 15, 2016

Asian markets finished small mixed but is the end of what has been an impressive week for the Nikkei. Japan closing the day +0.7% and on the week closes +9%. From China we saw a host of economic data from marginal better growth (+6.7% against an expected +6.6%) and Retail Sales (for June) up 10.6% on […]

Fictional World of Gold Standards?

QUESTION: Marty, Given the accumulation of gold by China and other nations with large trade surpluses, along with the statements by Alan Greenspan, and the implementation of the Shanghai Gold Exchange, does this suggest that gold is being positioned to be re-introduced into the international monetary system? ANSWER: No. The statements of Greenspan seem almost […]

Why Comey Would Not Present the Case against Hillary to a Grand Jury

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why did Comey not present this matter to the grand jury? Isn’t it the role of the grand jury to decide to indict or not? ANSWER:The rules for a grand jury have been altered to the point that they have been reduced to a rubber stamp. Nevertheless, FBI Director James Comey had to […]

Market Talk — July 5, 2016

Confidence remains the key in Asia and that is what we remain in search of this evening as we watch global equity markets depreciate. In Asia China was in better shape having seen better than expected Service sector growth resulting in a 0.6% gain. This was only for the first half of the day as […]

Australian Elections Fail to Resolve Political Crisis

This weekend we had the elections in Australia. Of course, they were not on our list for the year of political hell. They sold off in the wake of Australia’s weekend election and in parallel fashion with about 5bps of cheapening across the curve. The election vote count will continue on Monday with a few […]

Declining Pound Savior of Britain

QUESTION: Marty It looks like Carney and Osborne are talking the pound down in order to frighten people. Only one of their prophesies have come true – the lower value of sterling. But it is unhelpful that they continue to be negative – even though they’ve proved to have been wrong on all the other things […]