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Terrorism strikes in Kashmir & New York City

We have terrorist attacks in Kashmir against the military and what may prove to be a home-grown terrorist attack using pressure cookers in New York City, similar to Boston. Unfortunately, as we move into 2018, we should expect terrorism to escalate, especially in Europe. However, terrorism based upon religion should be on the rise.

Republican v Democrats – Is Something Really Changing?

There is another aspect to the 2016 presidential election that seems to be missing from discussions. There the very basic fundamental issue concerning Hillary Clinton’s emails, since her erasing such emails was clearly an obstruction of justice. The Justice Department gave IMMUNITY for such a crime to Paul Combetta, who erased Hillary’s emails. Bryan Pagliano, her former campaign […]

Hillary maybe Just What the Model Needs to Finish off the Economy

A Hillary presidency should be the best possible outcome for the markets since they should then begin to reflect what happens when you completely undermine confidence in government. Hillary holds first place in the poll for the perceived most dishonest presidential candidate ever to run. There will be an endless row of new scandals and how […]

The Coming Dollar Rally – Chaos in Europe

Margaret Thatcher was spot on when she warned that Britain would not join the Euro for the covert maneuvers behind the scenes was to create the federalization of Europe – their real dream to be the United States of Europe. Thatcher was betrayed by her own cabinet because some members also were dreaming to federalize […]

The Preparation for Seizing Private Pensions

The pension crisis is going to be the HUGE issue in 2017. Obama is supporting about a 20% reduction in military retirement benefits. This is how such things are done. It is the way lame-duck Presidents leave office doing the nasty things nobody will admit who has to stand for election. So those on their […]

The Road Ahead

I am receiving tons of emails from amazed readers who are congratulating me on our model that forecast a rise in third party activity from Europe to Asia. This rise is becoming obvious everywhere around the globe as a new era of anti-establishment. I showed this chart of the number of European separatist movements back at […]

Is it Time for Revolution in Greece?

The Greek government is calling for full disclosure of ALL household wealth. The Greeks are to disclose everything they own — cash worldwide, jewelry, real estate, paintings, and furniture. The Greek government is totally insane and intends to exploit its population simply to remain in the euro without the simplest shred of evidence that such […]

Gold What is a High Really Worth?

QUESTION: Hi martin I see all kind of speculation about what will be the price of gold in the coming years. I wonder if it makes any sense such debate as long as socrates is foreseing a monetary reform maybe in 2018. What will be the real value of the currency after that? Any thoughts on […]

Department of Labor Regulating Your 401K April 16th, 2017

The financial services industry is undergoing its greatest upheaval perhaps in more than 35 years because the government came up with a brilliant new idea to pretend there is a crisis that they need to step in to save you. I have warned that there has been talk about taking over 401K funds which are […]

ISIS Threatens Russia

As they lose ground in the Middle East, ISIS is continuing to lash out while expanding their terrorism since they cannot win the war. They have now come out and threatened Russia. “Listen Putin, we will come to Russia and will kill you at your homes … Oh Brothers, carry out jihad and kill and fight them,” a […]