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Governments Keep Their Fingers Crossed

We must face the fact that we are in a slowing global economy and governments simply have their fingers crossed in hopes this nightmare just corrects itself. There is a massive slowing of real income in Europe and the OECD has commented that this is creating a serious political problem for governments moving forward. Central banks cannot stimulate, because at […]

Market Talk — July 5, 2016

Confidence remains the key in Asia and that is what we remain in search of this evening as we watch global equity markets depreciate. In Asia China was in better shape having seen better than expected Service sector growth resulting in a 0.6% gain. This was only for the first half of the day as […]

Market Talk — June 29, 2016

Asia performed well in what appeared to be trading in shadows the majority of the day. Rumors that the PBOC were about to cut rates saw a rally in Shanghai (+1%) only to drift off the highs by the close. Rumors of more BOJ easing (attempting to put even 40yr bonds into single digits). It […]

The Three Faces of Inflation – When is Real – Real?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Will future rate hikes from the Fed cause banks to move more money out of the Fed and into the commercial banking system, creating inflation? Thanks Jack ANSWER: No. Future inflation will not be demand driven, but asset driven. Retail participation, both in the States and from Europe, in the US share […]

Market Talk – Morning of June 24th, 2016 (Post-BREXIT)

As we witness the biggest fall in GBP in over 32 years, UK bank stocks are declining anything from 5% (HSBC) to 25% (Lloyds). Gold rallied and there was a flight to safety within the government bond markets. The UK population awoke this morning in the confidence that democracy has prevailed. In Boris Johnson’s comments […]

The British Pound & the Aftermath of BREXIT

  The pound sterling had a smashing day ranging between 15016 and 13226; penetrating the 2009 low of 13508 as well as the 2001 low of 13680. That leaves the prior low that formed in 1985 of 10520 on the cash (103 futures). This is rather important for it implies that we should see that […]

BREXIT Wins — The Panic has Subsided as Reality Returns

  Exactly on our cyclical model, the UK voted to leave the EU (52% to 48%) in a historic referendum after 43 years (half 8.6). David Cameron has announced he will resign as prime minister in October, and all one can say is good riddance. Cameron is stepping down despite the fact that 84 Eurosceptic Tory MPs […]

Buy the Rumor – Sell the News

Our numbers today are 1259.30 in gold nearest futures, 1.4830 in the cash pound, and 18018 in the Dow. Gold has crashed, testing the key support again, and the Dow rallied but also failed to breach the key resistance. As with all of this, the markets have pushed to extremes. Our model shows it really […]

Progress Report on the Trader Version

Here is a mock-up of the Trader version we will release to attendees of 2015 and 2016 WEC for a 30-day trial. The final round of reports for the 2015 WEC attendees will be sent out shortly. We plan to release a report on asset allocation and a report on the pension crisis. Our reports […]

Market Talk June 20th, 2016

The weekend BREXIT poll shaped markets as soon as Asia opened today. The GBP bounced 1% from the open while global equity markets followed with DAX, CAC, Nikkei, Shanghai all over 2% better than the Friday close. Treasuries and Gold saw profit-taking as we saw a 1% decline from the opening bell. Japan did release Im/Export […]