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Market Talk- July 7th, 2017

Following on from the weak US session, Asia tended to drift in sympathy. Ahead of the US NFP’s it was always going to be light volume but with G20 also just stated numbers were even lighter. The Shanghai has managed a positive close (+0.17%), but not so for the Hang Seng which closed down -0.5%. […]

Market Talk- July 6th, 2017

Geopolitics has taken centre stage today as Trump comments on the severity required towards North Korea and prepares for his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has talks with President Trump are expected to be frosty as she commented, “He is the most disruptive and egotistical leader at the (G20) summit”. […]

North Korea – ECM & War

It was just one day after the first test of an intercontinental rocket by North Korea, that the US demonstrated military strength and threatened further sanctions against the isolated state. We have to understand that we are dealing with a pampered Kim Jong Un who will never yield to sanctions and countermeasures of rocket tests. […]

Arrogance of California Knows No Bounds Governor Brown Still Committing Treason against the Constitution

  The governor of California is just insane and out of control. Besides the boasting that California is its own country free to enter into treaties with Europe against the Constitution, now Governor Brown is restricting the freedom of movement of its citizens, creating a list of states within the USA that California is imposing […]

Jeff Zucker & Jeff Bewkes Should Stand Trial for Conspiring Against the United States For Corporate Profits – Enough is enough!

Project Veritas, which CNN and others try bad mouthing, has caught CNN’s Supervising Producer admitting (1) they are on a witch-hunt against Trump, and (2) they constantly bash Trump with Russia putting the entire world at risk of war simply to make money. They treat their viewers as idiots who lack enough intelligence to distinguish […]

The Firm That Created the Dossier Refuses to Produce Docs to Congress

  The clandestine firm that created the false dossier on Trump is refusing to cooperate with Congress. They are refusing to turn over to congress information of not just how the report was crafted, but who paid for it. The Senate Judiciary Committee threatened now to subpoena the firm, Fusion GPS, after it refused to […]

Market Talk- June 27th. 2017

Although the Shanghai index continued its positive trend we did finally see only a minimal advance and then a small set-back for the Hang Seng. An earlier strong gain (+0.6%) in the Hand Seng was lost by the time the market had closed but with numerous unexplained small cap scares, it was not a surprise […]

2017 World Economic Conferences

2017 World Economic Conferences This year’s Orlando World Economic Conference is going to be important. Things are shaping up political to be a real nightmare and the markets are reflecting total confusion. As we head into 2018, this may actually present not the trade of a lifetime, but the trade of several lifetimes. As they […]

Einstein – Relativity – Markets

QUESTION: Marty; I watched the National Geographic special called Genius on the life of Einstein. I could not help but see the parallel with you from fighting the establishment, going head to head with the academics, and how the FBI tried to trump up charges against him to send him to prison. He also said the […]

Putin Offers Comey Assylum

Putin made a joke that was on point. He said that since the former FBI Director James Comey, secretly made notes of his conversation with US President Donald Trump because he did not trust him, that does not differ from Edward Snowden who did not trust Clapper. I would trust Clapper with anything, personally. Therefore, Putin said […]