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Market Talk – July 1st, 2016

The first day of the second half of 2016 and it starts with a whimper. Yes, The Nikkei and Shanghai were marginally better bid (China PMI marginally lower 50 v’s 50.1 previously) but with the Hang Seng closed there was really not that much to write home about. The Japanese data was a little better and we saw a […]

Standard & Poor’s Reaction Shows Political Bias

Rating Agencies Testify Before Congress for their AAA-Ratings after 2007 Standard & Poors downgraded United Kingdom (UK), which is comprised of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, from AAA to AA. This shows emotional and political bias rather than any substantial change in economics; they are making good on their political threats of 2015. S&P […]

Market Talk — June 27, 2016

As we expected weekend headlines would dictate Monday’s trading and that is exactly what we have seen. The GBP continues to fall spreading uncertainty and confusion around the globe. In the UK the opposition party (Labour Party – known as the Shadow cabinet) saw ten members resign on Sunday and an additional nine members resign […]

Rebellions: Public v Private Waves

QUESTION: Sir, Pondering the patterns that you have found in history, I have been mulling over the crossroads that lie in front of us in the next few years. You noted that sovereign debt crises occur about every 86 years or so. You also noted that civil disturbance goes hand in hand with those events. […]

The EU is Determined to Ensure BREXIT Will Not Succeed

Another case of fraudulent voting to save the EU has occurred in the Austrian election. The Austrian Constitutional Court has revealed outrageous “errors” to the point that votes were simply regarded as non-binding recommendations. The investigations continue, but this reflects the desperate attempt to save Brussels at the expense of all of Europe. Allowing the people to vote […]

Approaching Britain’s Final Hour of Independence

The FTSE share market index for London has long reflected the problem with the EU. Despite the lies and propaganda that the EU has been some great miracle for Britain, the low in the FTSE took place in 1974. There was a fierce bear market in the FTSE that fell into a sharp low AFTER […]

Tariffs – Labor – Consumer

QUESTION: If Donald trump issues a tariff on countries like china will that cause the price of goods from china to go up in price?? Also is he correct by saying it will bring jobs back to the united states by doing this? Would overall implementing a tariff be a good thing or is it a […]

Market Talk — June 15, 2016

It just felt like most of the day today was waiting around for the FED meeting this evening and I am sure tomorrow we will be saying the same about BREXIT next week! For Asia, the initial concern was that China did not make the MSCI Index. However, all fears were rejected after the first […]

Market Talk — June 14, 2016

It was all about the Nikkei and the JPY again today trading to 105.50 as stocks lost another 1%. We are on daily bearish reversals here so we may well see a short-term bounce from here. As you would expect it was exporters that suffered with Nissan and Honda a couple of names being talked […]

Market Talk – June 9, 2016

The Nikkei could not hold the late US rally and as the cash market opened the weakness returned from the opening, especially having just seen the weaker than expected Machinery Orders. Gaping lower, we did see a small bounce but not enough energy to look for a positive close. Eventually the index closed around 1% […]