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Commodity Contagion

Equity markets around the globe have tumbled on Monday, led by commodity-linked shares as oil prices fell to 5-1/2-year lows and investors fled to the safety of government bonds. The so-called “smart money” is running into bonds and this is what we need to complete the bubble in bonds that will burst for BIG BANG. […]

Share Market Brief Assessment

The 2014 year-end closing in the Dow was strong, but not quite ready for liftoff. The failure to close above the 18500 level only keeps the Dow in a base-building position for what is to come. Only a closing below 16978 will signal a brief pause in trend. We will be addressing this in a […]

A$ for the Close of 2014

  The A$ also shows a decline against the greenback, although not as pronounced as that of the Euro. The key turning points here will be 2016 and 2018, where we should see aggressive volatility. The key resistance will stand at the 14260 level. Resistance forms initially at the 13525 level and support will be […]

The Swiss for Year-End 2014

The dollar has been rising against the Swiss thanks to its peg to the Euro. Of course the Swiss would love to have a lower currency for that will help their exports. The Swiss is currently trading at 9934 and a merely year-end closing above 9785 will signal that indeed the 2011 low for the […]

End of the German Dream?

The crisis in Germany is brewing at a rapid speed. There is no country that has suffered the pains of Russian sanctions in the West more than Germany because the Russian market has compensated Germany in the past years, covering up many problems of the German economy from the euro crisis. As the economy has turned […]

Will they Hang Bankers Again on Wall Street?

What took place in Washington over the past two weeks with the repeal of Dodd Frank and then the effective repeal of the Volcker Rule sounds strikingly familiar to at least three previous periods in American History that led to total disaster. There were of course the Northern “carpetbaggers”, whom many in the South viewed as […]

Coming Emerging Market Debt Meltdown

It seems the one primary area that people disagree with the view of the future is the rise in the dollar that is on the horizon. I have warned that in discussions behind the curtain, there will be a move to replace the dollar as the reserve currency. I have also stated that the only […]

World Overview

The Swiss franc tumbled on Today as its Swiss National Bank’s (SNB) imposed a charge on deposits for two main concerns. First, they are scared of a flood of money exiting Russia buying Swiss driving the franc higher and secondly they remain terrified of anticipated pressure continuing from the Eurozone if the ECB starts full-scale money printing early […]

US Treasury ordering survival kits for Bank Examiners? Anyone Expecting a Crisis Here?

Yep. The US Department of Treasury is trying to order survival kits for all of its employees who oversee the federal banking system, according to a new solicitation they put out. These survival kits are to be for every employee at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), which conducts on-site reviews of […]

World Share Market Crash

The US market has been hit in sympathy because of the chaos outside. This should be expected. We have warned that China peaked in 2007 and is headed lower. The US is the ONLY game in town and the US economy has been holding up the entire world. But the growth in the USA is […]