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Can Hillary Win?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you think that Hillary can win? And if so, what would happen? Thanks RP ANSWER: Our model is not unanimous for Trump. There is technically a 25% chance that Hillary could win, which one of our four models projects a Democratic victory. However, if you look at the mainstream channels from […]

Gold & Monetary Reform

QUESTION: Marty; The Global Market Watch on gold has been really something on the investor level. Can’t wait for the trader level. I believe your staff said that will have the daily and weekly levels also. I find it fascinating how the computer called the low in gold and then said turning back up and […]

Election 2016: Libertarian v Trump v Hillary

QUESTION: Marty – Your computer has been predicting the uptick of a 3rd party candidate. Why do you never talk about Gary Johnson or the Libertarian Party? You have to be leaning that way yourself, no? He’s getting about 8.5% in the polls, on aggregate, he’s suing the presidential debate committee to get into the […]

Party Politics – Insanity

QUESTION: Marty; I see these people ranting about Trump and how outraged they are. They seem to have no problem with the outrageous amount of lies Hillary has carried out or the fact that the bankers only donated to Hillary. They seem to be mindless and beyond rational claiming he is proposing that we build a wall […]

Dow Prospects for the Breakout

QUESTION: Marty; You said we could see new highs form in 2016 for the Dow, but the breakout is more likely in 2017. Has that changed? BD ANSWER: We will be updating the share markets shortly. No, that has not changed yet. We did not elect the Quarter Bullish Reversal at the end of June. […]

The Week in Review – July 11, 2016

The world economy is clearly causing the fundamentalists to flip-flop endlessly. They offer only opinions, and these are the times that will break the reasoning of men and try their very judgments. We have entered the phase where unless you comprehend capital flow analysis, you stand little chance of surviving the remaining years as we […]

The Euro on the Brink of Disaster

  We are looking at the collapse of Europe unfold much faster than anyone suspected. I have been warning that the Continental EU banks are in serious trouble. The negative interest rates have devastated Europe. While trying to stimulate borrowers who are not interested without an opportunity to make money, the ECB has wiped out […]

Comey Delivers Scathing Rebuke of Hillary But Says No Indictment

To indict someone, the criteria is supposed to be “intent.” Comey has used that to pretend there is no evidence that Hillary “intentionally” erased anything. Comey also stated that Hillary’s lawyers erased her emails using a keyword search program and they did not “read” the emails. He added that he would not recommend charges against Hillary […]

Declining Pound Savior of Britain

QUESTION: Marty It looks like Carney and Osborne are talking the pound down in order to frighten people. Only one of their prophesies have come true – the lower value of sterling. But it is unhelpful that they continue to be negative – even though they’ve proved to have been wrong on all the other things […]

The Pound & Euro For Month-End

We can see that the green uptrend line has been penetrated previously on this decline. Nevertheless, the euro is unable to rally beyond that 116 level where it elected the Yearly Bearish Reversal at year-end. So people have been impatient and expect instantaneous moves despite the fact we warned the euro had to go back […]