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Market Talk — June 14, 2016

It was all about the Nikkei and the JPY again today trading to 105.50 as stocks lost another 1%. We are on daily bearish reversals here so we may well see a short-term bounce from here. As you would expect it was exporters that suffered with Nissan and Honda a couple of names being talked […]

BREXIT Report Now Available

The propaganda to keep Britain in the EU is highly dangerous and an outright fraud upon the British people. On June 23, the people of Britain will decide whether to exit (BREXIT) the European Union. The outcome of this historic vote will determine Britain’s future. This is an incredibly important vote for it will determine […]

Retail Sales of US Equities (Domestic & Foreign) Reaching Historical Low

I have been warning that this has been, perhaps, the most sold rally in history. Domestic buyers and net foreign investors are both approaching historical lows. This is the most shorted market ever. Yet, the chart pattern defies all their selling. This is setting itself up for the pop to the upside because the selling […]

Reviewing The Dow Arrays

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong, I have been the ultimate skeptic for so many claimed analysts give an opinion and that is really it. I have kept track of your arrays on the weekly Dow. I understand why the government wanted your model. Your model really works. Your array posted last October 16 picked the November high amazingly. […]

“BREXIT” Report Provides the Truth about Remaining in the EU

The propaganda to keep Britain in the EU is highly dangerous and an outright fraud upon the British people. On June 23, the people of Britain will decide whether to exit (BREXIT) the European Union. The outcome of this historic vote will determine Britain’s future. This is an incredibly important vote for it will determine […]

Market Talk – June 9, 2016

The Nikkei could not hold the late US rally and as the cash market opened the weakness returned from the opening, especially having just seen the weaker than expected Machinery Orders. Gaping lower, we did see a small bounce but not enough energy to look for a positive close. Eventually the index closed around 1% […]

US Elections — From Bad to Worse

We have a socialist, a criminal, and an amateur who speaks before he thinks all running for the position of leader of the “free world” which is anything but free. Then we have a press so in bed with the politicians that they often seem to be crossbreeding. CNN, ABC News, and CBS News all […]

Innovation — Unemployment — Business Cycle

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for everything that you do. Comments have been made – to which you yourself have been alluding to for some time – that technology is replacing jobs at such a rapid rate, unemployment will be a major issue in the very near future.  However, these commentators conclude that this proves […]

Market Talk – June 7th, 2016

The constructive comments provided by Fed Chair Janette Yellen last evening certainly helped Asian equities today. The Hang Seng performed best recording a 1.4% gain on the day whilst the main China Index managed just 0.1% gain which was a relief having spent the majority of the day in negative territory. The Nikkei saw a […]

Mining Shares

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong; what do you think about mining shares? REPLY: I do not have the time to talk about every market and every move. We do have mining shares in the system. The computer is better than anyone could possibly be for there is too much to watch and there are too many personal biases […]