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The Crisis in Democracy – Debt & Electronic Money

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Would you be able to clarify the risks with having just an electronic money system – it would seem that any electronic system would be vulnerable to viruses, bugs, hacking, and other collapse. Also a completely electronic system would possibly be a tool of a tyrannical government simply to shut dissenters down. […]


The reception in Europe has been stunning. In Dresden, I was even handed flowers. The Q&A went for more than 2 hours after watching the film. The interesting aspect is how outside the United States the people are much more aware that there is a huge problem. They tend to not grasp that the debt […]

Why Do Most Computer Models Fail?

Computer models typically fail for the same reason why human forecasting from a gut personal perspective becomes a joke. In both cases, if there is no experience with the past, neither can possibly forecast the future. Such models have failed because they lack the historical database on a global scale. How is it possible to […]

Velocity of Money – The Harbinger of Future Omens

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I think this would help readers. I kind of don’t get it. How does the decrease in international velocity of money lead to the youth not having jobs? I don’t see the causation. — Cheers, PC ANSWER: The VELOCITY of money is how fast people are spending and using money – its turnover rate. The […]

Understanding a New World Order in Economics Is Possible

I have been doing a lot of interviews in Germany, from TV and radio, to newspapers and magazines. It is clear that they are starting to get the message that this is not about opinion. Every economist has recognized that there is a business cycle. The approach has been starkly different from medicine. Instead of […]

The Debt Crisis in Europe That Can’t Wait

There is little doubt that people are now calling for a debt crisis in European sovereign debt. When we began warning that this crisis would arrive by 2015 before the 2016 Presidential elections, it appeared strange, but now seems to be old hat. The key is that this has been the forecast of our computer, […]

The New Age of Economic Totalitarianism & the London Meeting to End Currency

I have been warning that the governments of the West are in severe trouble. We face the worst economic crisis, perhaps in modern history, with the distinct risk of moving into a state of Economic Totalitarianism. The governments are well aware of the Economic Confidence Model (ECM). Many people have questioned, “Why have they not killed you?” […]

The Reaction in the Euro

The reaction rally in the Euro appears to be on schedule. The March low at 10458 held during April, so at the very least that implies a 2-3 month reaction rally. Bank dealing desks have reported to us that their trading lines have been cut. We previously reported that we suspected the ECB had asked […]

Understanding the Reverse Side of the Flight to Quality

QUESTION: I’m having trouble reconciling your call between the next downturn (due to start in 2015.75 and your call on the Dow potentially doubling or more.  Aren’t equities historically a very good predictor of the economy?  Or do you think this time will be different dynamics driving the downturn (cyclical) vs. the rally in the […]

Negative Interest Rates = Tax on Savings

The current trend in Europe towards negative interest rates amounts to taxing whatever cash you have left after paying 50% in taxes. The bond auctions are starting to show signs that people will wake up and see what is going on. The incredible fact is that now, about 30% of all government debt in Europe […]