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Secret Empires – Corruption Beyond Belief

I have written many times about the deep corruption among the political class. The way they have always taken bribes is through their families. I have written how Hillary’s brother magically got the gold mining contract from Hati when he wasn’t a gold miner. The Clinton Foundation which was supposed to be a real charity […]

Repetitive Patterns in the Money Supply – Will Coins Become Extinct?

Inflation over time raises the cost of raw metal and we see that such coins vanish from the money supply. Britain is the latest in line to eliminate the 1 & 2 pence coins. They are costing more to produce than they are worth. I have written about the monetary reform Act of 1857 when […]

Happy Pi Day – The Perfect Cycle

  Well, Julius Caesar was not assassinated precisely on Pi, it was the Ides of March – the 15th. Yet this is the man who unified Europe. They named July after him, Caesarian birth how he was born, and the Island of Jersey in the Channel Islands after which the State of New Jersey was named […]

Is it St Mark or Alexander the Great Buried in Venice?

QUESTION: I just returned from Venice and I was told that they stole the bones of St Mark from Egypt and built a church there for them. The four horses on the Church they stole from Constantinople. It seems a bit strange that they would go take relics from somewhere else. Do you have any […]

Corruption & the Rule of Law

QUESTION: Today’s opinion section of the WSJ features an article on government’s intervention in AIG. The troublesome point concerns the possibility of a new precedent w.r.t. property rights in the USA, viz.: “…the government may unlawfully deprive shareholders of their ownership and control of a company as long as it does not formally seize their […]

Chronology of Event for the Crash of 2007-2009

2007 Feb. 27: Mortgage giant Freddie Mac says it will no longer buy the riskiest subprime loans. April 2: Subprime mortgage lender New Century Financial files for bankruptcy-court protection. June 2007: Two Bear Stearns hedge funds suffer after bad bets on U.S. subprime mortgage-related securities. July 31: Investment bank Bear Stearns liquidates two hedge funds […]

Reality of Being a Chief Economic Advisor

QUESTION: I thank God that your are here in my lifetime. The information you freely impart is priceless and I can’t wait to read your daily Posts. I believe that it would be incredibly wise if President Trump were to invite you to replace Gary Cohen as his Chief Economic Advisor. My question is regarding the […]

The Monetary Reform of 1857 Ends Legal Tender Foreign Coins

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I found in my grandmother’s belongings a penny from 1855 and one from 1857 which was much smaller and silver in appearance. Was there also a monetary reform that changed the coinage during the 1850s? PK ANSWER: Oh yes. But it is far more interesting than meets the eye. Foreign coins were […]

Gary Cohn Resigns from Trump Administration – Good Riddance!

The drop in the market yesterday was widely attributed to Gary Cohn resigning from the Trump Administration over his tariff policy. That must be a real shock because Gary Cohn has resigned as White House chief economic advisor. The press attributes Cohn’s planned departure comes on the heels of a decision by President Donald Trump […]

Climate Change – Catastrophic or Linear Slow Progression?

Indeed, science was turned on its head after a discovery in 1772 near Vilui, Siberia, of an intact frozen woolly rhinoceros, which was followed by the more famous discovery of a frozen mammoth in 1787. You may be shocked, but these discoveries of frozen animals with grass still in their stomachs set in motion these […]