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European Union off to the Emergency Room

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was skeptical at the Berlin WEC, but your forecast is coming in and nobody else called this. It was the most amazing conference I ever attended. A friend who left skeptical said he bought his ticket to this year’s WEC. It looks like Disney for the family and the WEC for […]

Awesome Collapse in Pound as “Leave” Vote is Ahead by Almost 300,000

This is what happens in a panic. Dealers step back and spreads widen. Sell and buy orders at the market are simply filled as they come in. It appears the bookies got it wrong and the government believed its own fake polls and were not prepared to rig the vote properly. The “leave” vote is […]

Constructing a Future

Our models have been targeting 2018 for the last 30 years as the first potential year for a monetary crisis and reform. There was a shot that we could have doubled the Dow and everything would have bottomed on the first potential, such as gold in 2013 to 2014, and then turn up into that […]

Is it Time to Kill the British Pound?

If everyone in Britain were to vote on whether to kill the pound and adopt the euro, I seriously doubt there would be more than a 10% vote for such a decision to end the pound. Many say if they had to end the pound, they would prefer the dollar to the euro. Yet, this […]

China Corporate Defaults: Good, Bad, or just Ugly?

A fertilizer producer in north China defaulted on bond payments, which is a positive aspect as the state governments are not so eager to bail out failed companies. This will be a positive step forward in transforming China into a major capital market. For now, it is still not ready for prime time. Of course, […]

Now Congress is at Stake

Trump keeps shooting off his mouth in the stupidest way, but he should know that they will turn whatever he says against him (FYI: Hispanic is not a race, it is an ethnicity like French or German). Hillary and her cronies announced she won before the votes were placed just in case Bernie beats her in […]

Open Letter to the Guardian

(feel free to forward this article to everyone) The Guardian headline is supporting government propaganda that 9 out of 10 economists warn of a dire future if Britain exits the EU. For a newspaper who published Snowden, I would expect a lot more integrity on this issue. The Guardian is reporting propaganda on a grand […]

Confused? When Will This End?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, First of all, thank you for your daily blogs. First thing I read every morning. I can’t wait to attend Novembers Orlando conference. My question is about the inverse relationship of Gold(precious metals) and the Dollar. Looking at historical charts it would suggest that we may continue to see a price decrease in […]

ECM 2015.75: The Rock vs. Hard Place

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, with your 2015.75 turning point on the ECM, you said that was the peak in government and the following 4.3 years would turn down rather hard. You also said 2016 would be a strong rise in 3rd party activity and people are now talking even about Bernie running 3rd party. You said […]

The Death of the Euro

At last year’s WEC, we warned that the collapse of the euro was underway. We achieved the Yearly Bearish Reversal on the close of 2015, but we did so far below the number. We had been waiting for the rally to retest the 11600 level, which we finally achieved. The ECB monetary policy has been […]