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Oil — Have We Reached the Next Turning Point?

COMMENT: MA, Someone said they sold the euro at 116 with a stop loss at 11705 and  sold gold at 1305 with a stop above last year’s high.  They earn a lot. But they not mention that your crude oil forecast is also correct! Feb 28, 2016 A daily closing above $33.60 on Monday will be a warning that […]

BREXIT Report – The Fate of Britain & Europe

On June 23, the people of Britain will decide whether to exit (BREXIT) the European Union. The outcome of this historic vote will determine Britain’s future. This is an incredibly important vote for it will determine the fate of, not just Britain, but Europe as a whole.

This vote will decide the fate of Britain and Europe, and will directly impact the trend in global currencies that will impact the United States and the fate of the dollar.

Now Available: The Brexit Report

On June 23, the people of Britain will decide whether to exit (BREXIT) the European Union. The outcome of this historic vote will determine Britain’s future. This is an incredibly important vote for it will determine the fate of note just Britain, but also Europe as a whole. This special “BREXIT” report answers many of […]

Market Talk – June 2, 2016

The Nikkei (cash) really hit the tiles today (-2.3%) having received confirmation of the delay to the Sales Tax and its two year reschedule. The JPY saw the flight to quality resulting in a 1% rally to hit a 108.50 high. 10yr JGB’s traded from -10bp to -11.5bp. As stated yesterday it will not be […]

Market Talk for June 1st, 2016

As rumored, Japan’s PM Mr. Abe announced today that the Sales Tax increase is to be delayed for the second time. This will very likely have an impact on Ratings Agencies who will be waiting more details in regards to any change on fiscal impacts and their possible reaction. As a result the JPY moved […]

Market Talk for May 31st, 2016

All the Asian indices performed well today and mainly off the back of the rumors that China -Shares are to be included in the MSCI soon. These were only rumors but we did see a 3.3% rally on the beck of the story. Also, on the back of a better than expected Japan Industrial Output […]

We are at The Edge of Meltdown

We will have the BREXIT report out next week. This is incredibly important for the fate of Europe hangs in the balance. Politicians are only interested in saving their own jobs. They do not care about the people and the markets reflect this arrogance. Nobody has seen a chart of the Euro v British Pound […]

Market talk May 26th, 2016

A choppy session in Asia saw the Nikkei open strong but close almost unchanged while HSI and Shanghai spent the majority of the day negative only to close small positive. Focus remains on oil, currency as the JPY remains around the 110 handle, continued disappointing data and todays G7 meeting. China set the mid-point at […]

Market Talk – May 25th, 2016

Following a strong day in the US all core Asian Indices opened firm and with the exception of Shanghai, did not look back. China could not hold on to the mornings gains and eventually closed small lower -0.25%. The Nikkei and Hang Seng produced great one day returns of 1.6% and 2.7% respectively. In late […]

Clinton & Vince Foster

Trump has come out calling the Vince Foster “suicide” very “fishy” to say the least. It has long been talked about behind the curtain that Vince Foster was murdered in the White House and his body was then moved to a park to ensure the non-controllable police would not have jurisdiction. The murder was neatly […]