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Comey to Testify Thursday June 8th – Same Day as British Elections

Comey is to testify Thursday before the Senate Intelligence Committee. He will most certainly be asked about conversations with Trump and the FBI probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn. But this is the Intelligence Committee, so the focus is supposed to be about about Russian election meddling in the 2016 election while nobody […]

Bonds & Stocks Rally – What’s Going On?

This coming week is what we would call in horse racing a trifecta with former FBI director James Comey’s testimony, the U.K. election, and the ECB monetary-policy meeting. Then our capital flow models seem to be picking up European buying of both US shares and bonds taking advantage of a rally in the Euro. The […]

CNN Refuses to Confess Its Bias

It is very interesting that CNN has fallen from the number one news station to dead last. Their bias is so outrageous and they have ceased being a valid news provider crossing over into yellow journalism to the point they are now desperately trying to take down trump perhaps just to get their ratings back. […]

Market Talk- June 1, 2017

Another mixed session for Asia but we did see a strong performance in the Nikkei as the JPY lost the safe-haven bid. The yen traded high 110’s then weaker hitting 111.40 (-0.6%) at one stage. The Japanese equity market added over 1% in todays trading with strong performances from Energy, Utilities and Industrials (Chemical companies). […]

Will the Next Revolution Include the Press and Journalists as Part of the Corruption?

I was standing in line in a phone store and the two women in front of me were talking about the press and how dishonest they are. The interesting thing was one did not like Trump and was starting to like him because the press was so negative. The other had been a Trump supporter […]

Market Talk – May 30th, 2017

It seemed lifeless in Asian trading today as China markets remained closed and the Nikkei hardly moved. Given the stronger than expected Japanese Retails Sales (3.2% against a forecast 2.3%) it is surprise to see the JPY trading back below the 111 figure in European trading. There was much Talk surrounding the MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore) fining […]

Shari’ah Standard on Gold to Replace the Dollar? Really?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have read where some people are claiming this “Shari’ah Standard on Gold” will become the new “reserve currency” and this seems really just nuts. I understand there are 2 billion Muslims in the world, but they seem to forget that this is once again wild speculation. Any thoughts? OP ANSWER: No. This […]

Is May 3rd Comey Testimony the Smoking Gun?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I respect your legal reasoning. A friend of mine is a lawyer and he said you are pretty sharp. So I pose this question. People are claiming that James Comey’s testimony on May 3, 2017 is the smoking gun that proves Trump did not ask him to stop the investigation into Russia. […]

Schiller Cyclically Adjusted PE Ratio (CAPE) – Real or Misleading?

QUESTION: Hi Martin,   Long time… perhaps you can reflect on the indicator of the Shiller CAPE ratio? Not that it is a predictive sell/buy signal in itself, but it is an indicator showing history R ANSWER: The Shiller Cyclically Adjusted PE Ratio known as CAPE,  is a particular PE ratio invented by Robert Shiller of […]

Obama Administration Intervened in Canadian, British, and French elections

There is a very serious hypocrisy over this whole issue of Russia trying to influence the 2016 election when the Obama Administration directly intervened in Canada, Britain, and France as well as Israel and is expected to do so again in Britain and Germany. The New York Times, Washington Post, and just about every other […]