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Glossary Abscissa – the horizontal base line of a chart, x-axis. Ad Valorem Tax – A tax levied as a fixed percentage of the value of a particular item. Aggregate Demand – Total planned or desired spending in the economy as a whole in a given period. It is determined by the aggregate price level […]

Trading a Panic

How to Trade A Panic  Martin A. Armstrong Note: This is reprinted from the April 1994 issue of the World Report. Most people believe that it is impossible to forecast the wild and crazy panic moves that any market will go through at varying intervals over the years. It appears that most people think that […]

Business, Economic-Confidence

The Business Cycle and the Economic-Confidence Model   In separate research works on our Economic-Confidence Model published since 1979, the complete and detailed historical review stretching back several centuries will provide the in-depth analysis of this model for those interested in more serious study. The primary purpose of this discussion is to present an overview […]

8.6 Year Review

8.6-Year Review As a brief introduction to the 8.6-year frequency within the Princeton Economic-Confidence Model, let us follow its course beginning with the last major panic that took place in October 1929 from the US perspective. Factoring in the month of October as .75 to represent a decimal portion of the calendar year, the calculations […]

What We Said October 16th, 1987

WHAT WE SAID OCTOBER 16TH, 1987 Princeton Daily Stock Index Report Newsline for 3PM Friday October 16, 1987 This is the 3PM Princeton Daily Stock Index Report for FRI. 10/16/87 Copyright PEI ALL RIGHTS REVERSED We will cover our 300 DEC. PUT option selling it out at the market at this time. Thereby taking our […]

Timing on CBT US Bond

Bonds indicate a potential turning point as we move into August. The week beginning July 29th is indicated as a “Panic Cycle” week. Panic cycles suggest the potential for an outside reversal week. If bonds trade down into this timeframe, taking out the previous week’s low, it could indicate some unexpected information will cause bonds […]

Timing on Gold & Silver Cash Index

GOLD & SILVER INDEX Bifurcation is a model based on Chaos Theory. In this case we see the Gold & Silver Index threatening further Lows but as you see here Bifurcation suggests at least a temporary low in the making. If you are not familar with our Bifurcation Model click here. Also, note that the […]

Timing on CBT US Bond Futures

LONG TERM TIMING FOR BONDS From the Quarterly Chart of Bonds we see a Bifurcation Turning Point indicated for 3rd Quarter 1998. Next look at the Timing Arrays. Note that the 3rd Quarter, once again, is indicated for DIRECTIONAL CHANGE, PANIC and HIGH VOLATILITY. If you have studied our ” Economic Confidence Model” you will […]

Nature of

The Nature of Timing Models The nature of time has always been a puzzling and intriguing subject. Jules Verne gave us bold glimpses of time portrayed as another dimension through which man may one day travel back and forth. Einstein explored the question of time in his Theory of Relativity. Time to the investor is […]

Forecast Arrays

Princeton Forecast Arrays The Princeton Forecast Arrays are only available through our monthly publications and daily FAX services. These arrays provide a quick graphical representation of a number of independent forecasting models including Composite and Empirical Timing Models, Directional Change, Trading and Volatility Models. The Forecast Array will enable you to quickly see when our […]