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Market Talk – May 25th, 2017

Core Asia opened on a positive note following constructive observations from the FED minutes, the addition of apparent OPEC commitments and the lack of market reaction following Moody’s downgrade of China sovereign. Ahead of the long weekend scheduled in the US, the enthusiasm to invest appears positive even as we chase market sentiment. Have we […]

Market Talk – May 24th, 2017

Core Asian markets closed mostly lower after early gains were reversed. Volumes were thin in todays session as G7, OPEC and discussions around the Federal Reserves next move on rates. Oil drifted lower in Asia as President Trump completed his trip and was about to fly to meet the Pope. Thursday OPEC meeting is expecting cuts […]

Impeachment Movement

The all out war going on in Washington is to get rid of Trump to prevent him from “draining the swamp” and to stop any tax reform or reform of the Deep State. At this point anyone can say whatever they want and the press as well as Congress will take it as absolute Truth. […]

Market Talk – May 23rd, 2017

A mixed session in Asia with no clear direction provided in any of the core markets. Saddening news coming from Manchester, England of the appalling bombing incident at a children’s music concert shocked both markets and people across the world. Police commented that they are treating it as a terrorist incident. The Nikkei, ASX, Shanghai […]

Market Talk – May 22nd, 2017

The solid close to US trading on Friday fortunately had more influence than the concerns surrounding the weekend missile test completed by North Korea. The safety bid appeared to be lost in early trade as we watched the JPY lose ground first thing trading 111.60. Despite the marginal performance of the yen the Nikkei joined […]

The Buffoons – Congress & Mainstream Media Join Forces

The manner in which the press acts and Congress, shows they are colluding to the point that they are desperately trying to get rid of Trump at all costs. However, what they are doing in the process is completing the forecast made by our model that this is the collapse in the confidence of government. […]

Gold & Euro & Dollar

QUESTION: Marty; You said gold was still vulnerable in dollars but that the low was probably in place in Euros. I have been trying to reconcile that statement in my mind. The only way that happens is a real crisis in Europe and a strong dollar. Correct? It seems really naive that people get bullish […]

Market Talk – May 18th, 2017

Asian cash markets had their second chance today to react to the political shenanigans happening in the states. All cash markets were again marked lower with the Nikkei closing -1.3% and was also hindered by the yens strength; as we saw 110.35 trading in the early session. Considering it was trading with a 113 handle […]

Democrats Want to Shut Down Government Until They Get Special Prosecutor

QUESTION: The Democrats are trying to now demand a special prosecutor to replace Comey and will not accept anything else and are threatening they will stop the government until they get what they want. There is talk that this could lead to evidence of impeachment. Is that possible? ANSWER: Nixon was impeached because at the […]

Stock Market Crash?

The correction has begun with the uneasiness of the two political scandals surrounding Trump – Russian meeting and now a Comey memo saying Trump asked him to kill the investigation into Flyn. The first is not really an issue legally, but the second could fuel the quest to impeach Trump which is really led by […]