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ECB Losing Control

In Naples, Italy, riots against Prime Minister Matteo Renzi resulted in clashes between police and demonstrators.  Italy’s government had to address the plight of Italian banks which now seems to be significant as both houses of parliament voted to create a state fund for bad loans. On Tuesday, the government announced that they planned to fund the money […]

The A$ Perspective

Based on the cash, we can see that the Greenback has rallied sharply against the A$ but has not elected a yearly bullish as of yet. It did exceed that level intraday, but the fact that it failed to retain those gains warns that we are not looking at new historic highs for the dollar […]

Political Change in 2020 or 2016

QUESTION:  Dear Marty, We are heading straight into the hurricane, and as you correctly say, there is no way of reversing the trend. At this point, should Hillary (or Cruz for that matter) win the elections, she would have to face and preside over the coming inevitable crash and burn. This would be the only […]

Welcome Goldman Sachs to the White House

You really have to question what Trump was thinking when he commented that he supports punishing women for having illegal abortions. Of course, he has now come out and reversed his stance after saying women who undergo the procedure should face “some form of punishment” if doctors are outlawed from performing such procedures. Legally he would be correct […]

The Battle to Keep the Establishment in Power

The last time a Republican Presidential Convention opened without a decided nominee in the primaries was 1976, during the fight between Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford. There were past efforts by the establishment to stop two people they regarded as outsiders — Barry Goldwater in 1964 and Ronald Reagan in 1976. It looks as if […]

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, a Christian religious holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. For those who haven’t thought about it, the crucifixion happened just after Passover. Jesus had come to Jerusalem for Passover, and the last supper is believed to have a Passover connection. I was fortunate enough to have […]

Bush Clan Now Behind Cruz

Neil Bush joins Cruz The Bush clan is now backing Cruz. Cruz’s wife, Heidi, is a managing director at Goldman Sachs. Astonishingly, Cruz forgot to disclose that Goldman Sachs gave him a loan to campaign. That would be plausible if hundreds of people did that. But how could you “forget” that your wife’s employer gave you […]

The 2016 Gold Report is Ready for Delivery + Video Forecast

Part I of the “2016 Gold Report” is now available. In this report, you will find the most extensive review and explanation on the gold benchmarks with charts dating back to the 1970s, illustrating their performance and how cycle inversions unfold. In addition to this year’s report, we have provided a special video on gold […]

Now Available: Part I of the “2016 Gold Report”

Part I of the “2016 Gold Report” is now available. In this report, you will find the most extensive review and explanation on the gold benchmarks with charts dating back to the 1970s, illustrating their performance and how cycle inversions unfold. In addition to this year’s report, we have provided a special video on gold […]

The Republicans Declare War on Trump & Condemn Republican Party

The Republicans have declared war on Trump simply because they fear that any outsider will cut them off from rolling in the perks. They have attacked Trump personally and have demonstrated that they are brain dead. This is no longer about Trump as an individual. They are simply ignoring why the people have voted for […]