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The New Underground Economy in Germany

A very interesting stage in the economic meltdown since 2007 is unfold quietly beneath the headlines. In Germany, the tax burden on the average person has exceeded 50%. The people may be powerless against the politicians so there is a new form of barter emerging that still uses money, but avoid taxes. How? After outrageous […]

Politicians Are the Most Distrusted Among All Occupations

I am here in Germany kicking the tires and taking the temperature of the core of the European economy. Interestingly enough, a survey has revealed that politicians around the world have the worst reputation among all other occupations. The people have by far the least confidence in world leaders. In Germany only 15% say that they […]

ECB Exceeds it Powers At the Threat to Germany

The storm brewing in Europe with the European Central Bank (ECB) is its plan to buy bad debt from banks in the version of stimulating the economy. Of course this is indirect and will never save Europe – but it may tear it apart. The ECB and all who support them, have argued in their […]

Obama May Turn to Private Armies – Will this be the New Plague?

Barack Obama may turn to private soldiers to wage war against the Islamic state. He has no real support to place American troops on the ground. He may turn to the use of private armies like Blackwater, which was renamed “Xe Services” in 2009, and “Academi” in 2011. The company was purchased in late 2010 by a […]

German Debt

  German debt has been the real play in Europe. The general view is the Euro will collapse and they will end up with Deutsche Marks. This does not appear to be a real trade. Nevertheless, this has driven German rates lower than the USA. We are seeing a correlation of dates for timing and […]

France Says It Alone Will Decide its Budget

The French Prime Minister Manuel Valls insists he will decide on France’s new debt budget without Brussels. These are fighting words, as they say, but they have no meaning: France is contractually obliged to meet EU criteria. Bypassing the rules is only possible with the agreement of Germany. Why anyone would even buy the Euro is […]

IMF Admits They Are Clueless to Solve World Economic Crisis

At the meeting of the IMF and the World Bank, we began to see for the first time some blow-back against Obama’s hand-picket lawyer masquerading as the world leading of international finance. There were significant rifts between supporters and opponents of new state investment programs that LaGarde and Obama are trying to pull off taking […]

ECB Negative Interest Rates Sends Money into Dollars

European Banks are now threatening companies with negative interest rates (penalty) when they want to simply park assets in money houses at short notice. Complaints about this practice are starting to rise quietly behind the curtain, which including operations such as airlines. According to our sources, several banks are beginning to levy this negative penalty interest upon […]

EU Commission to Reject Hollande’s Budget

Hollande is in deep trouble. His socialistic policies are destroying France. The European Commission in reviewing the budgets of the French Government find that they violate EU rules and no run the risk that they will be rejected by the EU. The Commission will ask the government in Paris in late October to submit a […]

ECB Wiping out German Savers With Every Step It Takes

The interest rate policy of the European Central Bank has massive redistributive effects within Euroland. With every step it takes, the ECB continues to exploit Germany for the benefit of holding to the Euro by bailing out the rest of Europe. The German savers are been wiped out and sent into extinction as they see […]