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Education – Waste of Time & Money?

The plight of education is really becoming a total disaster. Historically, one learned the basics in school. However, the trade was acquired not by degree but by apprenticeship. It is indeed rare to find someone doing what they have a degree in these days outside of law and medicine. The great majority of CFO I […]

The Collapse of Socialism Driven by Political Corruption

The rise is Civil Unrest is precisely on time and it is being driven by economic decline in the standard of living and the opportunity to even survive thanks to socialism. Government is simply incapable of ever doing anything right or actually doing anything for society other than fill their pockets for self-interest. In Europe, […]

Panic 1971

The Financial Crisis of 1971 was the culmination of a series of events that began during the early 1960s. Politicians set the gold ratio to the dollar at $35 an ounce that was decided in 1934 by Franklin D. Roosevelt. However, politicians have a vest self-interest in always pretending they do a good job. Unfortunately, […]

Europe – What Crisis? DAX At New Highs

Many European shares have been the best performers in 2013 and the general optimism in Europe for 2014 is far more bullish than in the USA. Even Reuters’ poll of more than 350 strategists, analysts and fund managers, shows the expectations are for more gains. Indeed, looking at the Frankfurt DAX, its gains in 2014 […]

IMF Urging Rapid Seizure of Funds in Europe

Yes the French elites are using the IMF to urge the confiscation of everyone’s accounts URGENTLY. The French have a long history of confiscating assets. This is a political belief in France that has been ingrained there for centuries. Napoleon actually imprisoned the Pope and confiscated the Papal States and took Venice. I do not […]

Civil Unrest Rising in Europe

Official and security departments throughout Europe are now worried about a rising tide in Europe of Civil Unrest. In Spain, anyone who demonstrates spontaneously in the Spanish Parliament, have to pay a fine of €600,000 euros and thus no free speech. The Spanish are increasing penalties for protesting and threatening anyone who dares to film […]

The Coming 2014 Expropriation of 10% of Everyone’s Accounts

Anyone who thinks it is a fantasy that government will simply just confiscate 10% of everyone’s accounts in Europe better have another look at the fool they see in the mirror staring back at them. This IMF solution is traditionally French and is really coming because the people in charge are effectively Marxists and this […]

Will 2014 Crack the Euro?

The Euro officially began trading January 1st, 1999. That was an eventful year for its also marked the low in Gold. Now at the pre-Christmas Euro summit, the mood was rather grim and even Merkel is wondering if the Euro will survive. The Euro should seriously crack 17.2 years from its birth and that would […]

Federalizing Europe

The Euro-savior Wolfgang Schäuble and Jean-Claude Juncker could soon be the most important bank directors in Europe. They want a Superbank that has the last word over all of Europe and direct access to taxes if there is a crash. This is the very place they said the Euro would not go. It was why […]

Chinese Yuan Passes Euro as #2 Currency for Trade

The Chinese yuan data is now in and the October numbers from the Swift system show that the yuan, which in January 2012 held only 1.89% of trade transactions, jumped to 8.66% surpassing the Euro, which has fallen to just 6.64% of Swift transactions. In January 2012, the Euro held 7.87% of Swift transactions. These […]