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Russia’s Wheat Crop Fails?

The weather turned very cold this year as our computer has been forecasting. The importance of our model’s forecasts lies in determining what will be the next cycle focus. Each cycle tends to shift from one to the next sector. While we still risk a strong dollar rally into 2020 creating the economic recession through […]

Where do We go? Is Any Place Safe?

  Many people have written in asking the same question: “My question is as follows. Since we are all connected in this world. Will there be any place at all that will not be affected by a WW3? “ So far, we do not see anywhere in the developed world that will be unaffected. That does […]

SPD to Impose Marxism on Germany

The SPD in Germany is a left-wing socialist party that still believes in exploiting the rich in true Marxist fashion. Now that the SPD gained power in a coalition with Merkel, the German economy is in perfect alignment with our Economic Confidence Model pointjng down into 2020. The SPD leadership has made it very clear that they […]

Interest Expenditures Will Now Exceed Military Spending – We are being Walled-In by our Own Debt

I have been warning for years at the World Economic Conferences that interest expenditures will reach the point that they will crowd out everything else. Well at last, as we enter 2019 and the War Cycle heats up, interest expenditures will now EXCEED even military spending. Welcome to the SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS. I have also […]

Greco-Turkish War – Is it Inevitable?

QUESTION: Message: Hi, huge respect for your eye-opening work. You mention that war is more likely to erupt in the middle east than Korea. Since middle east seems to be in a state of perpetual combat in different areas, do you think war could expand as Turkey is more & more openly hostile to Greece? […]

When will North Korea Rise to Overthrow Kim Jung Un?

QUESTION: You said that Kim Jung Un was at risk of being overthrown and therefore he would have to shift direction or go to war. When do you see North Korea falling? PP ANSWER: When Korea was split in 1945 into communist North against the South, the terrain has always dictated the situation. About 65% of Korea’s […]

Foreign Investment into Canada Has Collapsed by 26% in 2017

Foreign direct investment into Canada has absolutely plunged during 2017 to the lowest since 2010. There has been an effort to stop the sale of any property to foreign investors mainly from China. On top of that, there has been also a collapse in capital investment into the oil industry. There are fears also rising […]

Cycle Extension – Inversion – 2021 or 2032?

QUESTION: Marty; Just wow. You called the day of the high and then said the market would make a new low yesterday, a directional change would take it back up and that was the low. I do not understand why the world is not knocking down your door. Then again, I guess they did that’s why […]

The Dow Down & Dirty

COMMENT: OK Mr. Armstrong. Looks like the government was right. You come out and said the Dow reached a turning point and it crashes. You posted: “In the US Share Market, this is now a turning point we have reached. I have warned for months that exceeding the November high would lead to a January high.” You […]

Alaska Hit by 7.9 Earthquake – The Start of a more Active Period lies Ahead

A 7.9 earthquake just struck off the coast of Alaska. There have been 12 major earthquakes greater than 7.0 since 1906. The 1964 earthquake was one of the biggest ever in North America measuring 9.2. The real significance of this event today is the fact that the Ring of Fire in the Pacific has 10 […]