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Trump & China Trade Deal – Cyclically On Target? When Mexican Coins Traded at a Premium to America’s

QUESTION: Marty; Are there any cycles dealing with the trade dispute with China that are relevant? OP ANSWER: Actually, yes. The United States created a two-tier monetary system in 1873 to accommodate trade with China who was on a silver standard rather than gold. The actual timing is 17 intervals if the 8.6-year frequency of the […]

Democrats v Trump – The Mexican Standoff

The reaction from the Democrats and the mainstream media against Trump is really absurd. VOX wrote that he should not even be allowed to address the nation. They wrote: “After watching President Trump’s primetime immigration speech Tuesday, my overwhelming impression was this: Why, oh why, did anyone think it was a good idea to air […]

Trump & His Wall

QUESTION: Do you support Trump’s Wall? They say Trump’s wall is a waste of money and won’t work. Do you disagree? GH ANSWER: To me, it is really irrelevant. It is far more important to the people living there on the border who are tired of all the crime and nonsense lacking security. There are […]

Trump paid $130K to Daniels – Clinton paid $350k to Jones

Paula Corbin Jones was the former Arkansas state employee who sued U.S. President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment. He paid her $350,000 to keep quiet and Trump paid his own money $130,000 to Stormy Daniels – the porn star. And the Democrats want to impeach Trump for that when Clinton has a history of hitting […]

Government Closure & Lack of Advice to Trump

  President Donald Trump on Friday said he has considered using emergency powers to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. The press has been saying that he could declare a national emergency to redirect money from the Defense Department or other sources to fund the wall. However, Obama used funding that was granted by Congress […]

Trump v the Federal Reserve

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; A spectacular call. You gave the day and the market bottomed within 100 points of your number. You always nail it. I find it curious how they blamed Trump and the Fed. Can Trump fire the head of the Fed? I really think he seriously needs to attend your WEC. He would […]

Michael Avenatti is Ordered to Pay almost $300,000 in Fees to Trump as Case is Dismissed

  A California federal judge has awarded attorneys for President Donald Trump nearly $300,000 in fees for Michael Avenatti and his failed defamation claim brought by porn star Stormy Daniels for which he raised $600,000. U.S. District Judge S. James Otero held that when Stormy Daniels said in a TV interview that a man had confronted […]

Democrats Poised to Launch a Range of Political Probes Against Trump & Russia

The next two years will do more to undermine the trust, confidence, and faith in government as the Democrats launch their political agenda to try to smear Trump for the 2020 Presidential election. It is all about them just winning in 2020 and to hell with the government, the nation, or the people. The Democrats […]

Can Trump end Birthright Citizenship?

On this score, President Tump in his latest claim that he can end birthright citizenship with an executive order is WRONG. On this subject, he is correct that a child born in most countries does NOT make them a citizen of that country. In most cases, they are a citizen of a parent who is a […]

Obama Takes Credit for Economic Recovery Saying it is Not Trump but Him

Believe it or not, Obama, who raised taxes dramatically, is claiming the recovery is because of him and not Trump. On September 7th, 2018 Obama at a speech at the University of Illinois sharply criticized Trump and then claimed ownership of the U.S. economic recovery.