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The Shocking Truth in Ukraine Mainstream Will Not Report – There is a Chance to be Free At Last

The significance of Ukraine is far beyond what the mainstream press has dared to even portray. This is how Empires, Nations, and City States eventually collapse. There have been protesters gone missing. Some have resurfaced only with stories of being tortured. Some politicians have tried to distance themselves from President Viktor Yanukovich realizing this guy […]

Ukraine – Just More Political Bullshit

Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov resigned on Tuesday. This much is true. Part of the compromise was to appoint a “member” from the opposition as Prime Minister. That is really a powerless position for the real power lies with the  President Viktor Yanukovich. The former boxer-turned-politician Vitaly Klitschko and others have shied away from taking the […]

Inside Ukraine – The Same Tactics as Iran

The uprising in Iran was met with secret police going after anyone who joined the protests. Ukraine is adopting the same methods. Instead of confrontation that makes the TV, they are targeting anyone who participates in the protests individually and their families. This is not like civil war in the sense of one-armed group against another. […]

Ukraine – The Revolution in Full Motion

The violent protests in Ukraine have spread beyond the capital of Kiev. The city appears more like a war zone and we are watching a revolution in action. Make no mistake, this is the arrogance of a political administration that has shown it is willing to killing its own people to retain power. The protesters […]

Ukraine – The Flash Point for the Cycle of War?

The conflict in Ukraine illustrates how the real issue is the sheer corruption within government. The police are corrupt and are willing to kill their own citizens to preserve their privileged status. The President Viktor Yanukovych is effectively really Russian and cannot even speak proper Ukrainian. We may see this nation torn apart as civil war […]

Ukraine – More than 100,000 taking to the streets

The protest in Ukraine are getting really out of hand. Even the Russians have now said this is too much. Over 100,000 people have responded with violence as the President ignores the people and the corruption is simply our of control. This is turning into war on the city streets. Here is a video from […]

Thailand & Ukraine – The Common Link

    Behind the Headlines for both Thailand and Ukraine, the mainstream press has ONLY given one side of the story. In the case of Thailand, this paint it only as the rural poor against the rich and in Ukraine they paint it as purely the youth upside for not joining Europe. The other dimension […]

Ukraine a Glimpse of what is to come?

The protests in Ukraine demonstrate how all governments respond. Even England went after kids trying to organize on Twitter. The governments monitor everything now to head-off protests. A 12-year old in England found that out the hard way. The US arrested a man for using Twitter to help protesters evade police. In Ukraine, after weeks […]

Riots Getting Worse in Ukraine Right Now

  Protests are going on right now in Kiev. The government is using water canons and flash grenades against the youth. The government in power is determined to link with Russia while the youth see their liberty and future vanishing before their eyes. We have people actually on the ground there so this info may […]

Ukraine Cracking Down on Protesters Restricting Use of Internet

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate Committee hearing on the Ukrainian question admired the bravery of Ukrainian protesters and in response today Ukraine announced a new law making all protests illegal. They said that nobody can even purchase a Sim card for a telephone without producing a passport. The government will now decide if one can even have any Internet access […]