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Gold & 2013 Dow Jones & 2013 The Age of Materialism/Consumerism 2013 – The Roller-Coaster Ride of Your Life The Fate of Europe 2013 Cycle of War & Political-Economy Beware the Taxman Cometh When I Was Wrong Can the World Really Abandon the Dollar As A Reserve Currency? Virginia Investigates Gold Back Currency as Alternative to the […]

Job Growth was 48% higher than Economists Expected

The economists are still failing to grasp what is taking place. The job growth that has surprised everyone is all PRIVATE sector taking the rate from 7.9% to 7.7%. This does not impact government jobs that we will start to see be reduced. This is not a fantastic number, but it illustrates how the pessimism […]

Interesting Questions for Gold

Question: Yet, in the meantime, should inflation surface, say in the latter part of the decade, (before a total collapse), wouldn’t gold be the place to be?  Or perhaps I should phrase the question “will inflation precede a total collapse?” Inflation is typically defined as the rise in prices of goods and services. This is […]

Monthly Closings Today

In gold, a closing below 16960 will shift this market into a neutral position. Next month, 16700-16900 will become initial resistance.The major support lies at the 15400-15700 area. In silver the major support is in the 26-2700 level. A closing today below 3070 will keep silver in a neutral to bearish mode. Major resistance stands […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference March 16th, 2013

Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference Saturday March 16th, 2013 Le Meridien Hotel Philadelphia Many readers who are not “traders” would like a conference outlining the real Sovereign Debt Crisis, how do we survive such an event based upon past experiences, and what are the implications going forward? We will be reviewing the debt levels of all […]

Year-end Round-Up

The Year-End closings for 2012 were in the S&P 1,426.19, Dow Jones Industrials 13,104.14, Nasdaq 3,019.51, EURO/USD 1.3191, US 10-Year Bond 1.76%, Gold $1,674.30, Crude Oil $91.59. Economic growth will rebound in Asia including China as well as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South America) . Europe will be the worse on the […]

The Risk of Low Interest Rates

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved October 13th, 2012 The Risk of Low Interest Rates Analysis is dominated by simply opinion and therein lies the problem. Economics has become nothing like a science. In physics, one observes and then determines the “LAWS” as to how the universe functions. In the field of Economics and Finance, […]

Phase Transition

The most serious problem we face has been the Marxist-Keynesian presumption that government is even capable top manipulating the economy. Paul Volcker in his 1979 piece Rediscovery of the Business Cycle, address this nonsense stating that effectively the collapse in the Gold Standard that was followed by the 1974-1976 Recession defied this notion about “New […]

2012 World Share Market Report

  World Share Market Outlook This Special Report covers the Dow Jones Industrials in dollars & a Basket of Currencies, S&P 500, NASDAQ, London FTSE, German DAX, French CAC-40, Italy MIB, Japan Nikkei 225, Hong Kong, and Australia.  

Understanding the ECM

The key to comprehending the Global Economy lies in the realization that we are not alone. Everything is connected in an intricate dynamic nonlinear network where the slightest change in one region can set in motion a ripple effect of dramatic proportions around the world. Understanding this dynamic nonlinear global network is the first step […]