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Market Talk – January 5, 2021

ASIA: China’s economic growth could reach as high as 9 percent next year, and its rapid rebound from the coronavirus pandemic may help the economy overtake the US to become the world’s largest later this decade, analysts said. Nomura and China International Capital Corporation put China’s gross domestic product growth for 2021 at 9 percent. […]

Is a 3rd Party Inevitable?

  Not one major news outlet carried Trump’s address on the fraud in the election. Every outlet swears there is no evidence of fraud as if they are even believable anymore. Trump expanded the base for the Republicans which included African Americans who saw through the propaganda as did Hispanics. Trump proved that lowering taxes […]

Market Talk – December 11, 2020

ASIA: The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said on Thursday it began revoking China Telecom’s authorization to operate in the United States as it took further steps to crack down on China’s role in US telecommunications. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai noted several US government agencies had recommended the revocation citing national security concerns. In April, […]

Market Talk – December 1, 2020

ASIA: India on Monday didn’t join other members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in backing China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which New Delhi has consistently opposed as a key part of it passes through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). India’s central bank monetary policy committee is expected to leave interest rates unchanged when it meets […]

Gold & BitCoin

COMMENT: I admit I have been a gold bug and I bought into Bitcoin. I have been following Socrates since you began forecasting Bitcoin. I want to say that it has convinced me that these fundamental forecasts are just like fake news. When Socrates said gold would decline and then Bitcoin would rise, that made […]

Has Socrates Ever Been Wrong on a Political Forecast?

QUESTION: How long has Socrates been making political forecasts. Was it ever wrong? DK ANSWER: The only election I would say that Socrates was both correct and wrong was that of 2000. It projected that Al Gore would win. Of course, that election went to the Supreme Court and they stopped the count and handed […]

Does Trump Have Something Up His Sleve?

QUESTION #1: Hello Martin Do you think that Trump has something up his sleeve in regards to the election? I cannot see him conceding when he knows that there has been outright, in your face ballot fraud. He doesn’t seem like the type of man who would walk away from a good fight. If he […]

America’s Premier Pollsters are as Corrupt as Mainstream Media

The question you will never see asked in mainstream media is how can a computer, Socrates, call every election correctly when all the pollsters get it ALWAYS wrong? Mainstream media is so biased they will NEVER dare report that Socrates even exists. Why? Because they are on the payroll of this Great Reset just as […]

What does a Biden World Look Like?

  Our model has not changed – 2022 is going to be the year from political hell. There is no question this election has been stolen. Despite all the money these people have pouring to defeat Trump, they did not get the Blue Sweep that their press was predicting because all the polls were also […]

Saint Malachy Prophecy & End of Times in All Religions

COMMENT: Dear Marty Pope Francis is not the last pope Saint Malachy predicted as he shared one Pope office time with Benedict Unique in history). So it is as well very important that in Johns Revelations there is a chapter on the decline of the catholic church. Even more interesting are Marias prophecies in Fatima […]