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Was Our System the Only One Correct or Were They Falsifying the Polls?

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I was told by a friend that you forecast BREXIT and Trump and was the only one in the world to do so. I’ve been fascinated reading your site, particularly your discussion of Trump’s likelihood of winning when the polls and people gave him little chance. Can you possibly explain just how […]

World Health Correlations

COMMENT: Hello Martin, love your work, have learned so much, as an engineer and innovator, your work and perspectives have given me amazing sight and perspective to which I am very grateful. I diagnosed my son with a condition called MELAS, awful, and heart breaking, all the experts were wrong as usual and it was a […]

The Quest to Create World War III

Whatever the United States and United Nations can do to isolate Russia they seem to be doing without any regard for the consequences. Saudi Arabia retained its seat on the UN Human Rights Council while Russia was kicked off and Croatia replaced them. When it comes to human rights, one must ask, who made this judgement? All they seem […]

Stock Market Crash & Gold Rally?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So many people keep calling for a stock market crash. At the same time, it has hung on to the 18000 level in the Dow for dear life. Do you see such a devastating crash as even possible? PJ ANSWER: No possible way. Retail participation is at near record lows. It has […]

Hillary’s Staff Called Catholics “Severely Backwards”, Jews Bastards, and It’s Just Total Chaos

The Wikileaks batch of email on Hillary are blowing the doors off of everything normal. Hillary Clinton’s campaign spokeswoman, Jennifer Palmieri, in the hacked emails reveals that Palmieri and other Clinton allies’ hold very low opinions of Catholics. Hillary’s staff said Catholics are “severely backwards” and further demeaned them saying they don’t know “what the hell they’re […]

Nonperforming Loans in European Banks 10x that of U.S. Banks

American banks would rather return to the USA than strengthen their activities in the Eurozone. The U.S. banks, overall, now expect the EU to simply disintegrate. Brussels is not about to surrender its dream and is clinging to life as it slowly dies. The general view now is that the European banks are reaching the point of […]

Putin v Obama – Suspending the Nuclear Pact

Obama has been raising the stakes by going head to head against Putin in Syria. Putin has retaliated by suspending the nuclear pact with the United States, which is now raising stakes with Washington. This suspends the plan to clean up weapons-grade plutonium. According to a report, the CIA is to supply the mercenaries in Syria with heavy weapons.

Norway’s Link to Clinton Foundation & Obama — Corruption to Create World War III

QUESTION:  I read your blog daily, first thing in the morning. What surprise me is your ability to see through the dust. Socrates has been of real help and thanks a lot. I have a concern within Nato governance that I like your view on. Trump has not touched it however how can there be […]

Deutsche Bank – The Meltdown Crisis

Ten of the large hedge funds are withdrawing from Deutsche Bank. What must be understood here is that Deutsche Bank is the main clearing house for trades in Europe. The problem the hedge funds have is where do they move for clearing? Short-term, they can move to New York or London. With over $60 trillion […]

Hillary’s “Personal” Emails Probably Hide Corruption & Tax Fraud

The talk outside the United States is how well-known analyst has found that there were massive discrepancies regarding the amount and use of donations in addition to a very significant portion of all donations have been paid as bonuses of the Clinton family. Besides Hillary’s emails, the highly questionable dealing centered around the Clinton Foundation would certainly also […]