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Was the Origin of COVID from a Canadian Lab?

Perhaps you will recall the early claims that there was a link between the lab in Canada and Wuhan, which were immediately called a conspiracy theory so they do not have to answer them. The samples of the first version of COVID match what was created in the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada. Also buried […]

Marking the Unvaccinated As they Marked Jews in the 1930s

  History indeed repeats. In Europe, they demand that the “unvaccinated” wear masks to identify themselves, just as the Jews were forced to wear yellow stars to identify themselves in society. Interestingly, there were Jews in Germany who saw the threats and set sail for America. I was told many years ago that other Jews […]

FUTURE Under Construction

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am new to your blog but I’m here because your reputation precedes you. I was told unlike everyone else commenting on the World Economic Forum, even Nigel Farage said you were the alternative to Davos. My question is this. Why has the WEF been so influential with all of these […]

DEEP STATE v White House

People care more about the TV show Jeopardy and the qualifications to be a simple TV host than they do about the qualification to be President of the United States. Kamala Harris is collapsing in the polls and now the majority of people do not see her as qualified for anything. Now 55% of voters […]

News from Sydney, Australia & Canada

COMMENT: Marty this a part of their plan right? Divide and conquer. What did this maniac expect Australia to do. Shoot the sick and burn their bodies? Can this get any more surreal? I live in Sydney and I can tell you the city is stuffed. Businesses are going belly uplift right and centre, theres […]

Once in a Blue Moon is Here

The old saying, only once in a Blue Moon is here. August 22/23 will be a Blue Moon and perhaps this is the omen for the decline and fall of the Biden Administration. The Full Moon on August 22/23, 2021 is a seasonal Blue Moon and it is also the year’s Sturgeon Moon. The next […]

WEF Announced They Won

  Those who fail to see the truth and constantly call anyone who is anti-mask a conspiracy theorist when all studies show they are “useless” are in serious trouble. They are blind to reality which is precisely what those manipulating societies count on. They are the perfect example of Stanley Milgram’s experiments that discovered they […]

Biden Administration Most Incompetent in History

  I have often said that I felt sorry for Bush Jr. for he will be remembered as starting the War over Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction that never existed. The real president was Dick Cheney who orchestrated everything and gave the business to his former company Haliburton. When allegations of corruption were surfacing, they […]

Afghanistan & the Incompetence of the West

Now that the Afghan government has fallen, I believe I am free to talk about what I do know. I met with the government on neutral ground in Thailand. I was invited to give lectures there but just never found the time to make that trip. As I have said before, most governments have heard […]

Are We Facing a Biological War?

  This is the Chinese response to the finger-pointing at China being responsible for the leak of COVID-19. What it brings up can be verified in some aspects. It is just their reply which is political from their perspective. Nonetheless, I continue to believe that all the sources I had were too coincidental that this […]