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Gerrymandering – Are All Elections Fraudulent?

COMMENT: Marty, Just like leading the country in election cheating (this isn’t a great site to reference, but it does list some of the “irregularities”  It appears Minnesota was also ahead of the con game with the results of the last census where Minnesota kept all its congressional seats even though it should have lost […]

Trump wins Iowa & Trump vs Michelle Obama

QUESTION: Trump won and is well over 50% in Iowa. How will they stop him? GF ANSWER: The plan is well-defined behind the curtain. Biden will take the arrows for all the illegal immigrants who will vote for the Democrats to keep power, then he will step aside, and the Party will insert Michelle Obama. […]

Interview: Gold Surges Between War-Driven Inflation Dynamics

Interview with GoldSeek Radio: Head of Armstrong Economics, Martin Armstrong, reviews charts of the major indexes in real-time, noting “2024 could be a chaotic year.” – Interest rates rise during boom periods. “Yeah, I think people have to understand that the vast majority of analysis out there is all domestic. They’re just calling for the […]

Market Talk – January 9, 2024

  ASIA:   China’s central bank is signaling a commitment to maintaining loose monetary policy by reducing the required reserves for banks. Zou Lan, head of the People’s Bank of China’s monetary policy department, stated in an interview that the central bank will use various tools, including adjusting reserve requirements, to provide strong support for […]

WHO & Its Tyranny to Dominate the World

  Let me Clarify this WHO agenda. They were supposed to get the amendments finished by January 27th, 2024, for the May conference, which is supposed to be on the 27th of that month. They admit that they will not meet the January deadline, and in the process, they will most likely pass this in […]

May 2024 & the WHO

Historically, the mindset from the very beginning of the United Nations has been this theory that a one-world government will end all wars. This has even been expressed directly by Julian Huxley, one of the founders. In fact, I had deep conversations with Maggie Thatcher about this and how the EU was proceeding with the […]

Market Talk – January 3, 2024

ASIA:   China has unexpectedly issued oil import quotas for 2024, allocating 179.01 million tons (3.59 million barrels a day) to private refiners and traders. This nearly matches the total allowances for the previous year. The move surprised the market, and with a preliminary allocation in December, the total for 2024 now stands at 183.69 […]

What Will the Fed do in 2024?

Everyone wants to know what the Federal Reserve will do in 2024. Of course, people want to believe that the Fed will slash interest rates in the New Year. The pundits cling to every word except when, at the start of the month of December, Powell boldly criticized the Biden Administration, saying that his outrageous […]

Understanding the Failure of QE

COMMENT: Thank you. That post finally opened my eyes. That’s why there has been no inflation with all the QE and negative interest rates since 2014 here in Europe. If I buy your house and we are in the same country, it’s just a poker game. The number of chips on the board just moved […]

Central Banks & Complexity

  QUESTION: Why do you seem to be the only analyst who understands central banking? My son got an internship at one of the major banks in New York during the summer. I won’t say which bank, but he asked a senior-level guy there about you and the interest rates, explaining I had been following […]