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Biden – the Manchurian Candidate Decline & Fall of America

I have had long and disturbing conversations about what the HELL is really going on. The Constitution is being shredded under the Biden Administration and I have warned that the 2020 election was NEVER between Trump v Biden – it was Trump v the Overthrow of the United States, precisely as Klaus Schwab stated in […]

War & Money

History repeats all the time. With digital currencies, the next war may not be counterfeiting the paper currency of an opponent. This time, they will have to hack the banks and wipe out people’s savings to economically undermine their economy. This means that every bank will become a target to hackers, whereas traditionally in war […]

Market Talk – October 6, 2021

ASIA: The US plans to launch new trade talks with China, but will maintain tariffs on Chinese imports as it presses Beijing to fulfill pledges to buy more US goods and services, according to Biden administration officials. The Biden administration will directly engage with Beijing in the coming days to enforce commitments in their trade […]

Beware the United Nations, IMF, WHO, World Bank, and BIS

People must understand that just as a small business wants to expand and grow bigger, that same human tendency exists in government. No matter what form, they will always try to expand their power. The United Nations has been the greatest threat to humanity since Adolf Hitler. They have justified expanding their dreams of world […]

Beware of the IMF

Any small businessman is always trying to improve his business and expand it to be more profitable. That seems to be a common trait but what you must understand is that the same human trait dominates the bureaucracies and it is dominant at the United Nations, et al. From the very beginning, those in the […]

China v USA

The new report on the origins of COVID will point the finger at a lab leak in Wuhan. China is getting its back up and warning this will only lead to racism in the United States. I fully agree with China, but I ADVISE that they investigate further. There was most likely a lab leak, […]

Was the Origin of COVID from a Canadian Lab?

Perhaps you will recall the early claims that there was a link between the lab in Canada and Wuhan, which were immediately called a conspiracy theory so they do not have to answer them. The samples of the first version of COVID match what was created in the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada. Also buried […]

Education is in a State of Absolute Crisis

  It is time to pull the kids out of any college that is demanding vaccines and imposing punitive fines. This demonstrates that such universities and private schools are incompetent of teaching when all they do is promote the narrative without any original thought. Nearly 50% of those in hospitals have already been vaccinated and […]

The Real Agenda – Reply

  COMMENT: Hello Dear Mr Armstrong, In your recent article “what-is-the-real-agenda-with-vaccines-climate-change” You talk about power to be given to the UN for reasons that are cooked up with bad science. I agree, but I also see that this will never fully happen : China and Russia will not transfer power to the UN no matter what. […]

Canada is 100% on Board with Schwab’s Biodigital Program

All the pretend fact-checkers call it a conspiracy theory that Schwab wants to alter humanity and create trans-human species. Yet, here we have the government of Canada openly admitting that they are moving toward a biodigital world where they boldly state that this will progress to influence us to “even evolve as a species.”   […]