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How to Destroy a Nation in 2 Generations

QUESTION: I believe you analyzed inheritance and how altering it had contributed to society’s decline. Politicians here in Australia are talking about when you die; everything should go to the state because it is not fair that one person inherits more than another. I would greatly appreciate any comments you might have historically on that […]

Democrats Destroying the United States – Here Comes the Recession

The stats are in, revealing that Biden has flooded the nation with over 6.4 million illegal immigrants who have entered the U.S., bringing the total to now 13.7 million that the government must support. They are bankrupting cities, raising crime like never before since countries are emptying their prisons and shipping them to Bidenville. The […]

How to make a mint: the cryptography of anonymous electronic cash

In 1996, the US government released a white paper entitled, “How to make a mint: the cryptography of anonymous electronic cash.” Released by the National Security Agency Office of Information Security Research and Technology, this document basically explains how a government agency could create something like Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency. I encourage those interested to […]

Poland Feels Consequences of Ukraine-First Policies

Prime Minister Donald Tusk initially promised to double the annual tax-free income allowance to 60,000 zloty (€13,929), but now “there is no room” in the budget. Why? All of the money is going to Ukraine. Poland increased its defense budget to 3% of GDP in 2022, followed by a raise to 4% in 2023. Poland […]

The US Government’s Plan for Social Security

When questioned about the future of Social Security by the Senate Finance Committee, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted that Biden “doesn’t have a plan.” There could be no possible plan for an ongoing Ponzi scheme that will fail once the fund runs out of money. Estimates believe Social Security will reach insolvency before 2034. “I […]

Why Biden’s Housing Crisis Solutions Will Fail

Most first-world nations are experiencing a crisis in housing affordability as there is simply not enough supply to meet the demand. Major corporations swept up the majority of homes when mortgage rates were artificially low. Those who own are less likely to less as they could downsize and still have a larger mortgage bill due […]

Biden Proposes Largest Spending Package and American Taxpayer Burden in US History

The Biden Administration is outright destroying America through reckless spending. The Federal Reserve has warned that Biden’s current spending habits are robbing future generations of Americans. They cannot stablizie prices or make a dent in inflation due to the rising national debt. After his State of the Union address, Joe Biden unveiled his next spending […]

Scared of the National Debt? You Should Be.

A new billboard launched in New York City’s Times Square is sounding the alarm on America’s growing national debt crisis. “Scared of the national debt? You should be.” US national debt spiked past $34 trillion at the top of the year and continues to rise due to massive spending packages. Now that America is committed […]

BlackRock Backtracks on Stakeholder Capitalism

BlackRock finally admitted that their ESG policies in the name of shareholder capitalism have been bad for business. “BlackRock’s business, scale and investments subject it to significant media coverage and increasing attention from a broad range of stakeholders,” the company stated in it’s annual filing with the SEC. “This heightened scrutiny has resulted in negative […]

Direct Democracy to End Treason of UNELECTED Bureaucrats

  I find it interesting how Victoria Nuland has to label any opponent with a derogatory name. She claims that Putin silences any opposition to challenge him in an election when, in fact, the Biden Administration is doing that to Trump, and this is becoming a trend as Brazil seeks to imprison Bolsonaro. Christiane Amanpour […]