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Saving the Best for Last

QUESTION: You said Ukraine never shot down 6 of Russia’s unstoppable hypersonic weapons. Do you think that was all propaganda? SH ANSWER: Absolutely. Neither the US nor Russia will commit their most critical weapons to Ukraine. Why? Because it reveals your best card and allows the opposition to gather intelligence to defeat them. Look at […]

Zelensky is the War Criminal

  I do not care about those claiming Ukraine is fighting for freedom. They had their freedom; they are denying that to the Donbas, where the Mink Agreement was to let them vote on their independence from Ukraine. Ukrainian Nazis were never prosecuted for their involvement BECAUSE they killed not just Jews and Polish, but […]

Neocons Pushing War Everywhere

I have warned that Biden’s Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, and his #1, Victoria Nuland, are hardline Neocons with their own agenda, which is neither in the best interests of Israel nor the United States. They have control of the Biden Administration amid rising criticism. Blinken, on November 6th, 2023, said a ceasefire in Gaza […]

Zelensky “Feels Betrayed” By West

Sorry Zelensky, there is a new, younger war in town and all eyes are on her. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told Time Magazine that he feels “betrayed” by the West since America is now funding two proxy wars. “Zelensky feels betrayed by his Western allies. They have left him without the means to win the […]

There is no “Good Guy” in War

Question: Referring to Mr Armstrong’s blog post on Mr Musk’s Starlink provision of services in Gaza. Mr. Armstrong g would do well to do sufficient due diligence before cavalierly accusing Israel of war crimes/crimes when r humanity. In fact, Musk was in touch with Israel’s Shin Bet security services and they are trying to work […]

World War III – It’s Inevitable

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; It is safe to say that nobody can hold a light to Socrates. Nobody has forecast war three years in advance as you did in 2011. Nobody has predicted a Middle East War in advance as you did two years ago. Even your posts on Turkey and its conflict with NATO, […]

Belarus Looking for War with Lithuania

The embers of war are igniting. Everyone is using the ongoing turmoil as an opportunity to attack their enemies. Belarus and Lithuania are akin to Russia and Ukraine in that the people living there have many genetic and cultural similarities. Lithuania has partnered with the West, joining NATO in 2004, while Belarus has shown loyalty […]

Did the Institute for the Study of War Stage a Mob in Russia?

An angry mob descended on the terminal of an airport in Makhachkala, Russia, looking for Jews. Telegram channel Morning Dagestan has over 65,000 subscribers, and someone posted a notice that a flight was scheduled to arrive in Dagestan from Tel Aviv. About 1,200 men stormed the airport, and the Telegram channel began urging the mob […]

Iran Demands the Removal of Starlink – Could Governments Repel These Satellites?

We know why Israel is upset with Elon Musk for sending Starlink services to Palestine, but now Iran is also demanding that he remove the satellites. Truth is always the first casualty in war. Governments are censoring absolutely everything to prevent the truth from spreading. Iranian journalism is non-existent and people rely on social media […]

Elon Musk Powers Gaza – Open Communications Amid War

Israel has stripped Gaza of all electricity, and over 2.2 million people no longer have access to basic necessities. Elon Musk announced over the weekend that he would send Starlink connectivity to Gaza. “Starlink will support connectivity to internationally recognized aid organizations in Gaza,” Musk posted on X. A billionaire’s net worth provides more than […]