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Republican Party Civil War of Self-Destruction

As we head into 2017, we are looking at the entire world coming undone at the seams. The year 2017 will be the political year from hell because the trend that is unfolding is global. The establishment Republicans are fighting for control of the party to ensure Trump does not get the nomination. Some even […]

Euro for Month-End Feb 2016

Our main number to watch remains at the 10460 level on a monthly closing basis. Our Major Monthly Bearish rests down at 9860. Our critical support begins at the 10335 level during 2016. Once that gives way intraday, we can see this fall to the 98 level. We still do not see a final low […]

United Arab Emirates to Introduce 5% VAT Thanks to IMF

The impact of the collapse in oil is having dramatic effects on taxation in the Middle East and suddenly on the issue of government debt. The UAE will implement a 5% value added tax (VAT) beginning January 1, 2018. UAE Minister of State for Financial Affairs Obaid Humaid Al Tayer made the announcement after listening to […]

Is Any Asset Safe?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I have been following your blog for several years and attended your “Cycles of War” presentation in Philadelphia. It has been rewarding and very educational. My question, is there any one investment that is a safe haven in the chaos that approaches? I recently sold my company and placed the proceeds into “Certificates […]

Larry Summers Calls to End $100 Billis — Here Comes the Totalitarian State

  Larry Summers, the father of NEGATIVE INTEREST RATES, is so against a free society and looks upon us as dumb cattle to be herded and corralled for his pleasure. His ideas are just beyond belief. Now Mr. Pro-Government-Anti-Democracy is advocating killing the $100 bill. He is moving to electronic money so that government can get all […]

The World View

The year 2015 was 13 years up from the 2002 low in the stock market following the DOT.COM bubble. That low was rather significant for many markets have yet to exceed that 2000 nominal high, such as in France. This has warned, as was the case in gold from 2011, that a correction became possible. […]

An Overview of the Political Storm

Trump and Sanders have a lot more in common than people suspect. What is Bernie saying at the core? He needs a revolution to get most of what he is talking about passed. While he is misguided with attacking the “rich” whom the tax code defines as anyone earning $250,000 in “household” income (i.e. not […]

Fourrée & Counterfeiting in Ancient Times

  Counterfeiting precious metal coins began when coins were virtually the first invented. A fourrée (meaning “stuffed”) is a coin that is typically counterfeit but sometimes officially produced either by the government or by people working in the mint. A fourrée is made from a base metal core plated with a precious metal to look […]

Crude — What Lies Beneath $30 & Where Will Resistance Stand Here After?

The fear has been that Iran will start dumping oil now that the sanctions have been lifted. Thus, crude has been falling out of bed in a nightmare scenario. The fact that Crude was below $35 and then rallied to close above it for the 2015 year-end closing was a warning that the long-term may […]

The Euro & 2017 — The Beginning of the End

The closing for the euro at 10869 provided the long-term Yearly Bearish Reversal that we have cited throughout the year: “We have Yearly Bearish Reversals at 11645 and 10365. So the 116 level will remain as reactionary resistance this year and the 10365 level is key support just below the current low of 10460.” The […]