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We Are Winning

  In Romania, 70% of the people remember communism and authoritarian rule. They have REFUSED to take the vaccine and the government has been forced to back down. This video is NOT related to this news, but it merely shows that massive protest about corruption previously. Romania has shut down 117 vaccination centers. The Romanians […]

There is no God on Capitol Hill

The Democrats simply hate the way society and the economy function. Like Karl Marx, they think they can play God because they cannot believe that there is even a God. Marx saw the world in anger. Anyone who has read his work can feel the hatred between the words. Under this Marxist agenda, what they […]

3rd Attempt to Publish This Google Interferes

COMMENT: You spread disinformation. Climate change exists and if we have to all lockdown to save the planet for two or three years, then that’s what we have to do. You are destroying our future. EH REPLY: Thank you for your hate mail. It’s nice to see how easy it is for small minds to […]

Market Talk – September 21, 2021

ASIA: Crisis-hit Chinese property developer Evergrande used billions of dollars raised by selling wealth management products to retail investors to plug funding gaps and even to pay back other wealth management investors, executives of the company said in a statement. Evergrande financial advisers marketed the products widely, including to homeowners in its apartment blocks, while […]

Climate Change & COVID = One World Power at the UN

COMMENT: You spread disinformation. Climate change exists and if we have to all lockdown to save the planet for two or three years, then that’s what we have to do. You are destroying our future. EH REPLY: Thank you for your hate mail. It’s nice to see how easy it is for small minds to […]

Market Talk – September 20, 2021

ASIA: Leaders of the United States, Japan, India and Australia will agree to take steps to build secure semiconductor supply chains when they meet in Washington next week, Reuters reported. US President Joe Biden will host a first in-person summit of leaders of the “Quad” countries, which have sought to boost cooperation to push back […]

Market Talk – September 17, 2021

ASIA: The People’s Bank of China added 90 billion yuan ($14 billion) of funds on a net basis through seven-day and 14-day reverse repurchase agreements on Friday, the most since February. Today was the first time this month it added more than 10-billion-yuan short-term liquidity into the banking system on a single day. The move […]

Will the Gov’t Close all Markets?

QUESTION: Marty, the government closed the New York Stock exchange in 1914 due to World War I. Do you think they will do that again? Looking forward to Orlando WH ANSWER: The closure of 1914 was not the only time they shut down markets. Even the London market was shut down during war. On June […]

Have Central Banks Crossed the Line into Tyranny?

With all the conspiracy theories that somehow the bankers are the real culprits in creating excess money supply, there has been an evolution in central banks that has finally crossed the line since 2019. The Federal Reserve was, once upon a time, responsible. The Fed was originally designed as an authority to create money, which […]

Market Talk – September 16, 2021

ASIA: China has told the US, the UK and Australia to abandon their “cold war” mentality or risk harming their own interests after the three countries unveiled a new defence cooperation pact. The trilateral security partnership, named Aukus, was announced on Thursday by the three nations’ leaders via video link, and will include an 18-month plan […]