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Market Talk- January 24, 2018

  The DXY (Dollar Index) fell below the psychological 90 level today and that seemed to propel Asian stocks, whilst Europe preferred the currency. In Japan however, the Nikkei took the brunt of the selling, closing down (-0.8%) whilst the currency spent much of the day flirting with the 109 level. a gain of roughly […]

Vertical Market are the Most Difficult to Trade Even With 30 Years Experience

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I want to thank you for the great advice some months back, “Do not short this market”, I took your advice. I day trade, and other experienced Traders, with over 30 years experience, recommended I shorting the DOW, Swing Trades, I did not short the markets. Their positions were eventually stopped out […]

Can We Stop the Government Borrowing & Just Print Without Inflation?

The conservatives are going nuts about raising the debt ceiling as if this really matters. They claim: “The United States is effectively bankrupt, but that doesn’t matter to the GOP. Once evangelists of fiscal responsibility and scourges of deficit spending, Republicans today glory in spilling red ink. The national debt is now $20.6 trillion, greater than […]

Do Commitment of Traders & Inventories Really Matter?

QUESTION: Do you think that the Commitment of Traders and reported inventories are relevant to gauge market performance? ANSWER: The oldest game in town is manipulating inventories. Commodities can be stored at many places, but only selected facilities are on the reporting list. During the famous Buffet Silver scandal of 1997-1998, to justify taking silver up in price […]

RULE #1 – Never Marry the Trade

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; The goldbugs hate you for calling the top and a bear market. To my surprise, I searched Money Week here in London and it came up with an article in 2008 confirming you also called the temporary high in 2008 before the slingshot up into 2011 and were off 4 days on a […]

Dollar Manipulation by China & Japan?

The two largest foreign holders of the US debt, China and Japan, reduced their holdings of US government bonds in November compared to October. While many are trying to say see, they are dumping US bonds, China reduced its holdings by 1% or $ 12.6 billion to $ 1,176.6 trillion and Japan reduced its positions by $10 billion to […]

Market Talk- January 19th, 2018

A positive day for core Asia but not that convincing. You could highlight the Australian ASX as one key core that set a weaker tone settling -0.15% lower, but we also saw the Hang Seng and the Nikkei in and out of negative territory. In Japan the Nikkei was better bid in the morning session […]

Cryptocurrency & the Race for Money

QUESTION: You have talked about bitcoin and are rightly skeptical as we all should be, yet creative destruction rolls on. What insights do you have to share about the Dapps and Ethereum? In reading your blog for several years now you have truly opened many peoples minds. Thank you for your insight! KS ANSWER: If […]

The Hunt for Taxes Brings Down Governments Every Time

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I live in Germany. I wanted to send my father €200 for Christmas. I had to prove where the money came from. It does seem as if there is a major gap between those trading the euro for big banks and the people. I left Romania for freedom. Everything that I fled from […]

Market Talk- January 17, 2018

  Given yesterdays sudden reversal in US and the accompanying 20% decline in BITCOIN, Asian markets traded nervously as one would expect. Most core opened lower but that proved to be the days lows. The Hang Seng spent 95% of the day in negative territory but then in the final minutes managed a +0.25% positive […]